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I was up by 5 I wanted to catch an early bus so that I could make sure everything was ready for the new principal. I took a quick shower and washed my hair. My curls were everywhere and I was low on product to tame them so a messy bun would do. I strategically placed a few curls around my face and neck to make it look unintentionally intentional. Mascara was the only make up I put on besides some chapstick.

Once I was dressed in my slacks and black blouse i got together my jeans and apron for my shift at the diner tonight. In the kitchen I packed a lunch-bag with an apple and some leftover Thai from last night with Kane. The thought of him brought a smile to my face.

And thoughts of my sexting. It was hot and I don't know what came over me when I sent it. My legs clamped together and I shook my head to get out the thoughts of him. I put everything in a larger shoulder bag and put my purse and phone in as well. I had plenty of time as I headed out locking my apartment behind me.

Downstairs the sun was barely coming up and when I noticed a black SUV along the street and placed my hand on the pepper spray I carried. I turned to walk towards the bus stop a little nervous when I heard the door to the SUV open and close. Gripping the pepper spray I picked up the pace a little but stopped when I heard my name.

"Ms Hera! Ms Hera! It's me Jackson!"

What the hell? I turned around and realized that it was Kane's SUV parked on the curb. I walked back and Jackson was there.

"good morning I'm here to take you to work. Mr. Brown insisted"

I texted Kane not sure he was awake at this hour but reprimanded him for being high handed he should have spoke with me first. I felt bad declining Jackson it wasn't his fault his boss thought he knew best. I got in giving Jackson the address to the school.

Jackson turned down the wrong street on the way wondering where he was going until we turned onto Kane's street. He was waiting on the sidewalk and Despite my Irritation I couldn't help but stare. I had never seen him dressed so professionally before.

He wore a suit and tie. The light gray color of his suit made his already bright eyes that much brighter. The fit highlighted his wide shoulders and tight chest. He looked every bit the rich businessman.

I started my rant before he even buckled up about not discussing this with me but he just laughed.

"I knew you wouldn't accept it if I asked so I just did it knowing you wouldn't decline. You wouldn't want to hurt my feelings or Jackson's." I could see Jackson's smirk in the rearview.

I crossed my arms over my chest and decided to fume in silence. He was right but I didn't want to tell him that.

When we stopped in front of the school I was way too early now but I grabbed my bag anyway still irritated. But Kane reached for my hand before I could escape.

"Don't be mad babe. Let me do this for you. You shouldn't be walking alone in the dark or at night. I just want to keep you safe. But if it really bothers you I won't."

I knew he was right again and it was coming from a caring place. I scooted towards him and leaned into a kiss. It felt so good and I was grateful for his thoughtfulness. Resigned I agreed but told him he had to talk to me about things like this first.

I let Jackson know I'd be off at 7 and to pick me up from the diner then. I slid out of the seat and headed into the school. Usually the office was locked up but the door was already open and stepped in turning to wave goodbye.

The light in the principals office was on and I knocked ready to introduce my self.

"Come in" came the deep voice through the closed door and I opened it stepping in. Behind the desk was a dark haired man. He looked to be in his mid 30s he was dressed in dark slacks and a white button down shirt. His tie was loosened and the suit jacket was lain across the back of his chair. He was definitely good looking with his lightly tanned skin and hazel eyes and I'm sure a few of the female teachers would be happy to meet him.

"Good morning Mr. Smith I'm Hera Hall. I'll be your secretary here. Sometimes I help out on the preschool class but otherwise I'm here." I walked up to the desk with my hand outreached. Thomas Smith stood and placed his hand in mine.

"Nice to meet you Hera." He held my handshake a second longer then was appropriate and gave my body a once over as he did. He raised an eyebrow at me and released my hand.

"Hera? The name of a goddess, It fits you very nicely" He looked me up and down again and smiled.

My cheeks burned at his close assessment. It was wildly inappropriate the way he was looking at me and it made me a little uncomfortable. I chose to ignore it at this moment since we just met and I didn't know him well. I brushed off his words.

"Thank you I'll just get settled at my desk. I'm here until 2pm if you need anything. I backed out of his office excusing myself.

I felt a little awkward alone with just the two of us. The way his eyes had raked my body had made me uncomfortable. But then again I didn't want to turn nothing into something. I put it out of my mind as I settled in.

The rest of the day went by quickly and uneventful. I barely spoke to the principal today as he was meeting more of the staff. I packed my things and knocked to let Mr. Smith know I was done for the day.

He beckoned me into his office.
"Mr. Smith I just wanted to let you know I was done for the day, But if I missed something please let me know."

"Call me Tom please, and Thank you for your hard work today" he stood coming around his desk. His hand landed on my shoulder before he tugged gently on one of the curls around my face. "I look forward to working more closely with you." He winked and reached for the door excusing me from his office.

I bolted out the door. The air in the office was too stuffy. My heart was pounding. I felt uneasy with his touch but I wasn't sure what to make of it.

I sighed, but for now I chose to let it go as I headed to the diner.

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