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I made my way in using the side entrance to the storeroom. I ran into Penny as soon I stepped in. She looked peeved, both hands were on her hips staring out me.

Penny was beautiful even in anger. She was 37 and looked amazing despite the numbers. She was tall for a woman at 5'10 and slim with wide hips and a thin waist. Her hair was coiled in an auburn chignon. She wasn't old enough to to be my mother. But in this moment I had a distinct feeling I was about to be questioned as if she actually was.

"Where have you been? I texted you yesterday?! I almost called the damn cops! Mr. Schwezit said you left... you left your apartment with some man! I called him when I couldn't get you! Is that who dropped you off in that black SUV?! So help me Hera you're going to give me a stroke"

Penny cheeks were red matching the red of her hair, anger and concern across her face as she waited for my answers.

"Pen I'm so sorry I should have texted you again but I got busy. I met this amazing man named Kane. Kane Brown. He took me out for a date after I knocked him over."

"Kane Brown? As in Winston Kane Brown the blind millionaire?"

Shocked I didn't know how to answer that. Blind millionaire? Wtf.

"Well he's blind and his name is Winston Kane...does that help?"

Penny stood there still before relaxing and ushering me in for a tight hug. "I was worried."

" I know I'm sorry Pen I got caught up in his charm I'm sorry I forgot to call"

"Well I want to hear all about this blind millionaire you bagged on our break" she smiled at me and I knew all was forgiven.

I clocked in a few minutes to 9 and grabbed my book and pens and braced my self for the end of the breakfast rush and the start of lunch.

The next few hours kept me too busy to think of Kane and the way his fingers and mouth brought me to heel. And it was for the best, because I needed tips and couldn't be caught absentmindedly drooling over the images of his body in my brain. At 2 the rush died and me and penny snuck to the back for a quick break.

I gushed over Kane, telling her about his restaurant and how delicious the food and wine was that we had shared. I told her how we met and that he was amazing and I told her of the kisses we shared together.

I didn't tell her that I spent the night though because I knew she wouldn't approve. I felt bad for lying by omission but whatever sex life Kane and I had together was private and I didn't want to lose his trust so early into our relationship.

Relationship? Was that what we had? We never clarified and even though we made plans to see each other I wasn't sure if we would be exclusive. I made a mental note to ask him. When we saw each other next. I would be an adult and ask. He was rich and gorgeous and could probably get any woman he wanted but still I knew if was going to take things further I would need to know for my own sake.

At 3pm I gathered my things and kissed Penny on the cheek and met Jackson outside to take me home. Penny had found the old issue of food and wine that had an article about Kane and I tucked it under my arm.

When I got home I thanked Jackson for the ride and made my way upstairs to my apartment. Plugging in my phone I turned on Pandora to top hits and headed for a quick shower to clean the smell of diner grease off me.

Wrapped in a towel after my shower I went about my normal routine and set aside some grey slacks and a loose black blouse for work in the office of the school tomorrow. When I was in the office I did my best to appear more professional. Tomorrow, Thomas Smith the new head principal of the school would be meeting me and I wanted to be presentable. No one knew much about him so I didn't really know what to expect.

I hung the outfit on the bathroom door and went to the dresser for panties. I put them on and added Kane's big t shirt. It was long ending past my bottom so I opted out of pants.

Kane said he would see me tonight but not at what time. I wanted to text him but thought against it fearing I would come off as clingy.

I settled for tidying up my already clean apartment but I took care to make sure the floor was clear of any obstacles for Kane so he wouldn't accidentally trip. I picked up any clothes from the bedroom and bathroom and changed the sheets on my bed just in case. I started the washer and then sat down to skim the article in Food and Wine.

It was a main piece and described how Kane was an up and coming chef and sommelier before a tragic accident took his eyesight at 24. My heart ached for him as I read the story. Doctors had hoped he would eventually regain sight but he was only able to see light, shapes and shadows. But his story had a somewhat happy ending. He received a settlement from the accident and he used it to open his first restaurant. Followed by 3 more in Vegas, New York and Los Angeles. He invested mostly into his twin brother Grayson and it paid handsomely and through the food community he became known as the blind millionaire.

The article showed a picture of him smiling and happy, one arm around a man slightly older then him the caption read Lorenzo Rocco and I figured that was the chef Kane spoke about at Italiano.

Finishing the article I set it aside and headed to the kitchen for water. I heard a knock at the door my heart skipping a beat at I raced to the peephole to see Kane standing on the other side.

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