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The week flew by quickly with Hera and me. We spent every night together laughing and talking about our days over take out and wine. She had brushed off her awkward meeting with Thomas Smith her new boss, but I would figuratively keep my eye out for him. He desired what was mine wether she had thought so or not. She was too sweet for her own good.

But despite her sweet demeanor she was a vixen alone with me. After we ate we spent our nights at my place or hers bringing each other pleasure, I hadn't pushed sex I wanted the moment to be right and I hoped that during this weekend the moment would present itself. But if it didn't I wouldn't care. I was just happy to spend this time together.

Jackson and I picked her up from the school at noon. The principal wasn't in because of meetings so she was able to leave early. She was anxious about missing her days at the diner. The tip money went to her bills and she wasn't looking forward to missing that.

If it meant that much I would slip money in her purse later and we could fight about it when she found it. Despite her anxiety her co-workers were more than happy to help out because they thought she needed a vacation. We  set off to the airport were Grayson and I kept our personal jet. We arrived at the private hangar much to Hera's surprised gasp.

"We are flying somewhere?! Oh where are we going?"

"That's a secret I'm not telling baby."

"I've never been on a plane, I've never been anywhere before" she sounded sad at her lack of travel "I've always dreamed of being able to travel out of California someday"

"Well then today's your lucky day"

"Out of California Kane-!?"

I smiled as we walked through the hangar. My pilot met us at the door of the jet where he introduced himself and the flight staff before leading Hera and I to the cabin. It was all white leather, Grayson's request, with tan and brown trim it sat 8 people in captain chairs with a small bedroom in the back of the jet. I had no problem flying commercial but Grayson insisted we needed this for business. This was one of his many toys.

She picked two chairs for us with our table in the middle and we sat across from each other. The flight attendant brought us a bottle of champagne and poured two glasses and we clicked glasses excited for our little adventure together.

The flight to Hawaii specifically Honolulu on Oahu was a 5 hour flight. We had a light lunch together and I listened as she ooohed and awwwwed at the vastness of the ocean below us.

I let her guess where we were going but never confirmed it keeping it a secret as long as I could. Until we landed at our private hangar in Hawaii where after we off boarded we were met with leis and traditional greetings.

"Are we really in Hawaii Kane? It's so beautiful here!"

"Yes, are you happy?" I was a little nervous she would think this was too much but I was hopeful. "Me and my brother share a vacation house here and this time it's my turn to bring a beautiful girl." I winked at her and smiled a cocky grin.

Though my limited vision allowed me to see shapes I wasn't expecting her body to jump into may arms. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I lifted her into a hug.

"Thank you Kane this is amazing! It's so beautiful!"

I was elated that she was so happy and we made our way to the car. Our driver took us towards one of the many beaches to the vacation home me and Grayson shared. Though I tried to remain humble despite my wealth Grayson and I had a love for travel and as single bachelors we splurged on few things and vacation homes were just one of those things.

We pulled up to a vast 4000 sq ft home with panoramic oceans views. Half the home was glass from ceiling to floor. There were many amenities including a large master bedroom and bathroom. An infinity pool and hot tub and private access to the beach. 

Hera was shaking with excitement as we walked in. She rained kisses on me thanking me for this gift of travel. While she was enjoying the site I was reveling in her happiness and her kisses.

My plan was to blow her away for the couple of days we had together. I had plenty planned starting with dinner. I hired a chef I had met in culinary school, who was more than happy to set up an extravagant sushi dinner and I payed him handsomely for it.

Hera walked onto the patio where I had it all set up for her. I knew what she saw and I imagined it through her eyes. I had a table for two setup in the back with candles that were lit over the whole patio. Champagne was chilling next to our table and 2 dozen white roses were waiting for her in her seat. Two small boxes were next to the flowers.

Her gasp came next.

"Oh my god Kane this is— it's too much. I don't know what to say. Thank you!" I heard her quiet sniffle.

"Happy Late Birthday Hera. You deserve this and I want to be the one to give it to you. I promise this is just the beginning."

She kissed me then hard on the lips and I relished in her touch. Her lips brought me to full attention immediately and I was sure she could feel me hardening against her stomach.

I pushed that thought aside for now and focused on feeding this woman. In the last week we had eaten something new everyday and I could feel her body filling out in all the right places. She had been so skinny barely eating and now her curves were filling in and I loved it.

Hera sat down to the flowers. I listened as she inhaled the scent.

"Open your gifts. The long box first"

I heard the creak of the velvet hinged box and her audible gasp. In it was a string of pearls. She had classic beauty and deserved a classic piece.

"Oh wow Kane these are beautiful! But.."

"No buts tonight except yours naked on my bed got it" I raised an eye brown daring her to defy me.

"Put them on so I can feel them on you later."

After clasping the necklace she reached for the other box. My nerves were getting to me now and I was nervous.

With lid off she seemed confused just as I had hoped, "it's a key?"

Before I lost my nerve I went headfirst into the speech I had been playing over in my head.

"Hera I want you to know that I adore you and I know things have been moving quick between us. We haven't discussed being exclusive or where this is going or even where it's not going to go. I want you to know I'm not the playboy type. Grayson got all of those genes." I smirked before continuing, "I want you to know that since meeting you I have thought only of you. I have not thought of nor talked to anyone but you for the last week. You blindsided me." I tried to lighten the mood with my lame joke. I was rambling now though my nerves were getting the best of me.

"I want you to know that I'm all in with you and I hope you are all in with me too. I know it's early and I don't want to scare you away.

Hera I love you.

My heart knew it the second you spoke and it only took me a few days for my head to catch up. Hera that's a key to my place. Take it. Come and go whenever you want. Leave your clothes, your toothbrush, move in, I don't care whatever you're ready for."

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