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I was breathless as I closed the door to my small studio. Leaning against the door I squealed a happy squeal. My day had been turned around and I couldn't believe I had literally ran into the most handsome man I'd ever seen. Not to mention he wanted to have dinner with me. It was a birthday wish come true.

Holy crap! Was my only thought to myself. Kane was by far the sexiest man I had ever laid my eyes on.
Sitting on my couch I closed my eyes bringing forth the memories of our kiss.

Running my fingers over my lips I remembered how soft his own were on them. I started to feel an ache low in my tummy. An ache I'd never felt for any of my "exes" if that's what they were. Those were boys and Kane was all man. None had been worth my time and none had ever kissed me with that type of electricity.

Nerves built up in me knowing a man like him was experienced. I wondered what his reaction would be to know I was a virgin. I had never even orgasmed with a man before.

My exes were "boys" with fumbling hands and messy kisses. Needless to say none had lasted long especially when I was fielding their attempts at sex all together. I always felt this pressure to give in but I had never felt ready. After a couple of dates I would admit my virginity. They always made feel me like part of a quest. Conquer and get to the next level. There was never any love behind my few relationships and so I never fully gave myself.

I wasn't a prude or at least I didn't try to be but maybe too many romance novels made me believe I needed to feel something more before I put sex on the table. I had only known Kane for an couple hours but the way he made me feel was unlike anything I had ever felt before.
I felt comfortable and at ease, yet he lit a fire in me, making me feel sexy and wanton. The combination of emotions was not something I had felt together before. I wasn't sure if the idea that he couldn't see me made me braver.

The more I thought of Kane the more I wished I could see him again already. Shaking my head, I checked my phone for the time and it was still early, only 2pm. We had spent more time together than I realized but he had been so easy to talk to.

I needed to get my mind off him and realizing I had never made it to the store I grabbed my purse and keys decided to head to the corner market to pass the time.

The walk was uneventful and seemed short. I replayed meeting Kane over in my mind as I reached the spot where we met. The smile couldn't be wiped from my face. It was very much like a romance novel. I texted Penny that I met someone and had a date tonight and that I would text her when I was home and text her where dinner was so she knew I was safe.

Shopping was quick I barely had any money but was lucky enough to get some fruits and veggies from the farmers market. The cashier was a sweet older lady, she checked me out quickly and I was on my way back home.

A couple hours later I was home with a few essentials for the week. It was quick work putting away the 4 bags of groceries my meager weekly budget would allow and my cabinets and fridge stayed mostly empty. Grabbing a banana for my early evening pick me up I made my way to the bedroom to change into some sweats for cleaning.

I tidied up around the house. Playing upbeat California reggae from my phone. It was good, chill cleaning music. I picked up my discarded clothes, started my weekly wash. After vacuuming and putting away the dishes I was basically done. Except for emptying and folding the still running dryer. My small studio stood clean and sparkling. It was still a bit shabby with my garage sale finds and thrift store furniture but it was still mine.

My life had been paycheck to paycheck since my parents died with little left from their life insurance after the services. It was enough for my the deposit on this place and Penny was the only one who had been inside besides myself. It was humble and I hoped that Kane wouldn't judge my home. Just because he couldn't see the shabbiness didn't mean he couldn't figure out that we didn't land on the same social and economic status.

I wasn't sure if he cared and the thought made me nervous. But I pushed the thought of Kane in my house out of my brain.

Grabbing my secondhand copy of the 7th Harry Potter book I cozied up into my couch to pass some time before I got ready for my dinner date tonight.

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