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I nearly choked on my water. My jaw dropped at that news. This was his restaurant!?

"I'm so sorry Kane for assuming I had no idea" embarrassment crept up my skin I was grateful for my dark skin making it more difficult to see my reddened cheeks as the waiter entered and brought our wine and bread to the table.

"Don't apologize Hera, why would you know? I own several restaurants actually this one just happens to be the closest. I assumed you weren't comfortable enough to get on a plane to New York or Vegas with me just yet so I thought we would stay local" He laughed at his joke.

"Wow" was all I could muster up to say in answering return.

Here I was on this date with a handsome, probably rich man after I let him into my little, shabby studio and gave him my sob stories about work and family and dating.
I was mentally kicking myself.

"I took the liberty of having the chef bring us out the specials of whatever he chooses, I hope that's ok. I thought given our meeting you might be ok with a little more adventure before the nights over."
he winked and smiled as he said it and I pushed my thighs together feeling the heat in his words.

I wondered what other adventures he had planned and I hoped the wine relaxed me enough to be brave enough for what was coming next.

I still wasn't sure what to think about him . My past experiences left me with little confidence. Anybody I had been with before mocked my shyness and disregarded my situation making light of my struggles. And once they knew I didn't put out it was all about the conquest. No one had ever made me feel needed and wanted in more than just another notch on the belt they wanted to add.

And now knowing he could probably buy my studio and everything in it had me feeling even more unsure. I wondered what he really thought of my meager belongings and small apartment. I reached for some bread and began to nibble nervously. Quietly mulling over all the information I learned in my head.

He was kind and funny and gorgeous but now he was rich too. I wondered how I would be able to differentiate wether he was sincere or not. He had captivated me today. I felt so comfortable alone with him. That was something I never felt before. He didn't seem dishonest to me. And I really liked him. I suppose if he didn't care about my financial situation I shouldn't judge him for his.

Kane's nervous voice broke through my deep thoughts

"Hera have I done something wrong? You're very quiet. You know we can go somewhere else if you're uncomfortable or if you changed your mind and don't want to be here with me, Jackson will take you home."

"No Kane no!" Panic took over first, I just wasn't ready to end our time together despite my nerves and self consciousness.

"I'm just nervous and frankly a little intimidated. I mean you have all this" I lifted my arms even though I knew he couldn't see my dramatic flair, "and I'm a waitress at a diner barely making ends meet. Why me? Are you making fun of me?"

I wished I could have stopped my mouth from moving because there it was all my anxieties on display. Surely he was going to think I was crazy now.

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