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It took a few months but Hera and I finally moved past her incident. She caved and was seeing someone to help her to keep moving past it and I finally let go of my insecurities.

Living under the same roof was better than expected. We were at each other's beck and call, in all the best ways. Falling in to a routine together had been easy. School was starting soon for her and we decided to take one last trip before we both got too busy.

"I still can't decide where to go Kane!"

"It's ok I decided for us." I replied.

"Wait, what?! Ooooohhhh where are we going?"

"I'm not telling it's a secret" I said as I carried the salad bowl to the table for dinner.

"Baby-! Please!?" I listened as she sat down, before sitting myself.

"No! Cuz this is too fun!" I laughed.


I knew she had to be pouting I could hear her angrily stab her salad. I couldn't resist reaching my hand to feel her full lips pulled into a pout. She didn't stop me. Only pulled her lips into a fuller frown.

"Fine, fine!" I gave in like always and felt her frown turn into a toothy smile. She was beautiful.

"Well we never made it to Miami the restaurant is nearly done so I figured we start there." I dropped my hand and started to eat.

"Start? What do you have planned?"

"I don't know maybe Disney World." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I didn't know you liked theme parks?"

"Well I've never been but I hear it's fun."

"You're being strange Kane. What are not telling me?"

I grinned wide again, "you'll see."

"I knew it!" She accused laughing.

We finished dinner to her guessing every place. But I wasn't giving in. After dinner we ended the night on the couch her legs over mine as she lay while she watched a chick flick, I think, I was too focused on her to care. I rubbed her toes as she relaxed. I was more than content with her and this life we were building the fact a random accident led me here was not lost on me and although I didn't know if I really believed in God I sent a silent thank you to the universe anyway.

She was snoring softly soon and I woke her up gently and we walked hand in hand to bed. I undressed to my boxers and I listened as I heard her clothes hit the ground. We had been abstaining from sex much to her dismay. I didn't want to move too fast after her incident.

I knew a huge part was my insecurities flourishing but therapy had helped immensely and so much good came from us waiting. We talked and laughed and got to know each other better. We moved away from our troubles and formed an even deeper connection. But tonight I couldn't help but be aroused at the sound of her unzipping her dress and listening to it gently fall to the floor. I heard her pick it up and turned towards the sounds as she put it in the hamper near the closest.

She unsnapped her bra and I imagined how the fabric slid it off running down soft arms. I was ruining my own plans to wait til our vacation so I could make love to her under the stars. But if she was willing I couldn't wait any longer.

"Everything ok?"

She must have turned around to me listening hungrily to the sounds of her body movements.I could imagine my face gave away my internal feelings.

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