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His face had looked so down at our discussion. I knew for myself the feeling of never being seen for who you were inside was hard. And here he was being seen for only his money and a difficult injury that crushed his dreams until he made new ones.

I had hoped my words meant something because they were true the last two days had been amazing. He was amazing. He didn't flaunt his money to me or anyone, he was kind, generous with those close to him and with me had been giving with both his time and his feelings. He didn't sugarcoat things and he didn't play with my heart. It was refreshing to be around a man that was truly a gentleman.

I sat back leaning against the arm of the couch and Kane went back to rubbing my feet moving his hands up and down my calves as well. My tired feet felt so good with his gentle pressure. But we were both silently thinking after the conversation. I wondered how he was feeling his expressions were unreadable to me.

Instead I focused on my own thoughts.
I still had reservations about Kane and about "going all the way" with Kane but he had been so attentive. I was surprised at myself for being brave enough to spend the night with a man I barely knew but it felt natural with him. He lavished my body with attention and his words gave me courage when we were together. I wasn't in high school anymore though where passing a note made you bf/gf but I felt like this could be more.

The sexual exploration had been great so far but I just felt that we were building more between us. I knew I needed to ask and lay it all out but I was worried I would scare him away and I still wanted more time before he realized I wasn't worth the effort he was giving.

He was gorgeous, smart, successful and rich. He could get any girl with a pulse. And probably revive a few too. I wanted to know more of him and hopefully meet the friends and family he spoke so highly about.

I was intrigued to meet Grayson Brown his identical twin especially. Kane's description of Grayson was the opposite of how I would describe Kane so seeing them together would be a trip.

"Hey. Hey Hera" Kane's deep voice brought me back to the here and now.

"Hey sorry I was lost in thought"

"Everything ok?"

"Yah I was just thinking that maybe you'd want to stay the night here? My bed isn't as big and as soft as yours but it's still pretty comfy in my opinion."

"Actually I was just going to tell you I should head home. I have a meeting tomorrow morning and you are meeting your new principal."

"Oh yah...ok your right" sadness colored my words and I was feeling a little disappointed he wouldn't be here to keep me safe and warm again.

"Hey....I can tell you're sad, don't be if it wasn't irresponsible to keep you up two nights in a row I would. I'd love to stay with you, but we shouldn't. We have to be adults and you're too distracting to me. I'll pick you up tomorrow? I want to see you again"

My sadness turned around to hear that he wanted to see me again. At least the idea of spending another night together was still on the table just not tonight.
Kane stood and I stood too handing him his cane.

"Tomorrow Jackson will pick you up and bring you to my house ok. And another thing can you get someone to cover your shifts on Friday and Saturday?"

"Yah I'll ask one of the girls but why?" I was feeling nervous now.

"You'll see Friday." He leaned down for chaste kiss "and I'll see you tomorrow"
I opened the door as he left me. Sad at his departure but excited he had made plans for later in the week. With work always on my mind it was refreshing to be excited for the coming week ahead.

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