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I picked up my pace as I entered the kitchen. Kane was just getting to his knees with a groan. Horrified I realized i had left the stool pulled out enough that his foot caught, sending him to his knees and the plates shattered across the tile. Reaching out for Kane I placed my hand on his elbow and helped him to stand up.

"Kane I'm so sorry! It's all my fault, again! Where is the broom let me clean this mess up." Horror at my mistake lined my voice, guilt and anxiety making me panicky.

Raising a hand to gently quiet me he replied "it's not a big deal, really, its just an accident. I should have expected it honestly. I mean how many mostly blind men's homes do you hang around in? It wouldn't be the first time I've tripped over a stool."

I was relieved he wasn't furious with me when he should have been.

"Don't worry I usually seem to repel men so you'll be the first, probably only. Can I ask how lon...? I didn't need to finish my sentence before he answered.

"10 years" I saw the sadness on his face briefly before he smiled. "Broom is in the corner closet by the way I'd get it myself but I don't want to step on glass and add insult to injury" he smirked a sexy grin.

I spotted the broom closet and quickly swept up the mess and deposited the glass carefully in the waste basket.

"All cleaned up, Kane. I'm so sorry again." I hesitated but continued "well I better be going then before I cause anymore problems. It was nice to meet you Kane, thank you for lunch."

I reached for my purse and took a step towards the foyer when a strong hand skillfully grabbed my arm as I passed.

"No Wait! You can't leave yet! I promised you ice cream." Kane smirked in my direction and I couldn't resist his warm smile or warm touch. Looking at him I couldn't stop the one forming on my own face. I didn't know what it was about him but he made me feel comfortable.

This time I prepared dessert with Kane's instructions on where the bowls were. Everything was neatly organized, and I couldn't help but run my fingers over the dotted labels. I was intrigued by the story of how Kane's life must have changed so drastically but that was his story to tell if he was ready.

Sliding the bowl of frozen dessert to Kane's fingers he beckoned me to follow.
He led me to his living room. It was decorated tastefully. He had a knack for design or someone close to him did.
He led me to a long brown leather couch and motioned for me to sit. And he took the other corner giving space between us.

In the living room over ice cream and coffee, we somehow chatted without a break. Kane was surprisingly easy to talk to and he seemed to genuinely want to know everything about my boring life. More surprising was how I couldn't help but open up to him. I had only ever opened to Penny but even then I kept things from her.

At his probing questions I artfully skirted around the ones centered on my family. I simply stated I was only child and it was just me after my parents early death. No need to darken the mood with long, sad stories. I told Kane about my jobs working as a secretary for an elementary school and as waitress every night after except Sundays or if it was a slow evening.

He seemed to be enthralled listening to me speak about my mundane, un-exciting life. It was freeing to speak openly to him, a complete stranger. It was also insane that I was even here alone with a man I just met. I had texted Penny letting her know I had walked this man home. I ensured her that I had my spray and phone. She could track it anyway if she really wanted too.

After a couples hours passed of talking and laughing Kane got a very serious look on his face I could tell he wanted to ask me something but that he wasn't sure how.

"May I ask for a favor from you? It's incredibly personal Hera but please don't be creeped out." Kane hesitated for a beat before continuing. "I was wondering if I could touch you, maybe?" He asked.

A deep blush made its way to the surface I was grateful he couldn't see it.

"Wow ok that definitely sounded creepy" his grin lit the room. "Sorry, I meant your face? I can hear your voice and hear you move and smell your perfume but I can't form a picture in my mind of what you look like without touching you. Then I can see with my hands, but if it makes you uncomfortable you could just tell me. But in my personal experience though people never do themselves justice."

I was nervous at the thought of such an intimate act with a stranger. To be so close together and to allow him to touch me.

I told myself to be brave because truth was I wanted him to touch me. My belly ached low at the thought. Without speaking I scooted to his side of the long sofa, sitting back on my haunches and I reached for his hand giving my permission to allow his exploration.

"Okay Kane" I nearly whispered my response.

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