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"Stay next to me. Please?"

My body was on fire being this close to Kane. I was happy he wanted me so near. And the thoughts of our earlier kiss today on this couch came forward in my mind.

He was so gentle with a hardness and subtle dominance that turned me on.
Kane turned his full body towards me placing one knee on the couch. He reached forward pulling me even closer towards him. I leaned my upper body closer to him. I was hoping for another kiss the wine had loosened the nerves and my heartbeat quickened with excitement.

Kane released my arm but this time moved his hand to my waist giving a firm tug he pulled me until I was sitting on his lap. I had one leg on either side of his body putting my full weight onto him. The skirt of my dress flowed out around me. The thin layer of lace and cotton was the only thing separating my core from his hard rough jeans. I could feel myself start to wet at the closeness. Embarrassment flowed up my body, I had never been this close to a man I felt this way about.

"Is this ok Hera?" He inquired.

The wine had made me braver yes but I was still nervous wondering what he thought of me and my body. He wouldn't be assessing me with his eyes but with his hands. He would be able to feel every imperfection I had. It was unnerving but I still felt the excitement building as I thought of his large hands over my body.
I pushed down the negative thoughts. And focused back to Kane's hands now running fingers lightly up and down my arms.

"It's good Kane." I replied hoping to sound seductive.

"Hera tell me what you look like. I want to know the color of your hair, skin and eyes. Tell me what your dress looks like, what your shoes look like tonight. I want to know everything. Please baby."

His fingers were giving me goosebumps as he continued. I couldn't deny his request to know me but I hoped I was satisfying and attractive enough.

"Well I'm wearing a black dress, it stops just above me knees, with short sleeves and rounded neckline" as I described the sleeves his hands moved to ends of the sleeves at my shoulders then a finger followed the line around my neck. I quietly moaned and closed my eyes.

Continuing I said "my skin is brown my mom was black and my dad was Asian. So I guess I would describe it as coffee with a little extra creamer in it. My eyes are dark brown almost black and my hair is black, and wildly curly. I have too much hair and sometimes it's just wild."

Kane started to explore again first with running a finger across my cheek. His thumb trailed my eyes and then my lips again, before moving to the top of my head. He ran his hands over the braid touching the gold cuffs between his fingers. He followed the braid as it got smaller until he reached the tip that was lying right at the top of backside. He tugged it lightly then rolled it between his finger before releasing his hold. I wondered what he saw in his minds eye as he assessed the new information.

His hand landed where my braid ended. He made circles with his fingers at the small of my back before following it lower just to the juncture where my back ended and my butt began.

I froze. The heat from his hand burned me. The wetness returned and my nerve endings were firing off in rapid succession.

"Can I touch you Hera? Let me touch you tonight. Tell me what you want, what you like" his voice had roughened it was gruff, a heady sound.

His words were lighting a fire in me I didn't know I had. But I knew I needed to tell him first that I was virgin. I couldn't tell him what I wanted or what I liked because I didn't know. I knew his kisses made me feel wanton but that was it. I had never wanted to give myself to anyone before but I wanted to now.

As I straddled him and described myself I felt his erection pushing against the zipper of his jeans. I was hot and needed to be doused. But first I needed to make a confession.

"Kane....I..I have to tell you something."

"So tell me" he started to rub that juncture again in slow circles. His face was at my ear our cheeks against each other. The coarse hair of his 5 o' clock shadow scratching my smooth skin. The other hand was brushing my side his fingertips reaching the sides of my breast. I didn't want things to stop he felt good so close. But I needed to be honest. He was going to find out one way.

"Um...well...I don't know how to say this...but I've never...I mean that there's never been a.....well I'm still...a...a... virgin" my cheeks heated and I closed my eyes dropping my head at my truth waiting for his reaction.

His hand on my back stopped moving. I think he stopped breathing. I opened my eyes as he pulled his face from mine and saw the surprise over it. Dammit. I had ruined the night. I should have just went with it. He was going to think I was some kind of freak at 23 and still virgin.

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