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After our kiss I was dazed but I followed her lead out of her apartment and waited as she locked up. I reached out my hand hoping she would take it.

After only a few quick moments had
passed, she slipped her small hand into my much larger one. Hera was so warm and soft, an almost fragile air about her. But I doubted a woman who had lost so much and still persevered could be that fragile. I was aching to find out. We walked side by side back downstairs.

"So Hera have you ever been to Ristorante Italiano before?" I asked. Maybe it was a little egotistical to take her to my restaurant but I was wondering if it would spark recognition in her.

She said no but didn't elaborate and I couldn't help the frustration. It seemed very much like she hadn't been anywhere or tried anything. I understood her financial situation but what kind of men had she been dating before? Had none ever showed her some of the finer things? I made a mental note to ask, though I didn't care to hear about any exes, I was curious to know why she was so shy and insecure despite her beauty and charisma.

"Is this your car Kane?" She sounded surprised when she saw Jackson at the door.

I heard him come around and offer his hand to help her in. I rounded the other side joining her in the back.  Jackson already knew our destination and headed there as soon as we buckled. I reached out for her hand again and she obliged. I was loving the feel of her hand in mine.

"Thank you for joining me sweetheart I've been looking forward to this since I dropped you off. I think I paced my bedroom until it was time to get dressed." I admitted.

I was basically confessing my need to be near her like an idiot. I mentally facepalmed knowing I was going to scare her away. But I doubted she believed me anyway. She seemed to think very little of herself. I vowed I would have to show her if she let me.

We arrived at Italiano by 7:30 and I offered my elbow to her, As we entered the establishment. I knew what she saw through her small gasp.

"Wow. This place is gorgeous Kane!"

Italiano was a popular restaurant, upscale just enough but not too much. The decor was simple in hues of gold, reds, and browns with white linen covering the tabletops. Dim lighting and candles set the ambiance. Quiet Italian music was playing in background. Chatter was going on around us but the hostess' voice was clear as she welcomed us.

"Kane! I didn't know you were dining tonight. No wonder Lorenzo had the private dining room set up. But I see this is for pleasure tonight not business." I imagined Kaitlin wriggling her eyebrows at me at she assessed Hera's appearance. I had never brought a date to any of my restaurants so this was a first. Hera tightened her grasp nervously.

Kate led us to my private dining area. I wanted dinner to be just us tonight so she could talk freely and open up to me. I had Enzo set our seats next to each other rather than across by my request because I wanted to be nearer to her. Hopefully she wanted to be close to me too.

After we sat I ordered my favorite bottle of wine and two waters.
"So do you like it?" I was curious to hear her thoughts of my restaurant.

"Yes! Kane it's lovely, they seem to know you really well here you must bring a lot of dates" she guessed and added an unnatural laugh. I could sense her nervousness building up again. Her perception of  herself and of me were too. Still though I guess I was still mostly a stranger. Every brick of her wall I took down she built right back up.

"No I don't Hera, actually, I never have I don't usually mix business with pleasure, they know me so well because Italiano is my restaurant."

I laid it all out hoping it would impress her. I wondered if knowing this was mine and my name would make her realize who I was. She didn't really seem the gold digging type but as much as I enjoyed this anonymity I was also curious.

It was a test. Maybe I was wrong to quiz her. She hadn't been dishonest or obvious if she did know who I was.

She didn't seem to know me, my name or my restaurant. But the knowledge made me feel sad instead of secure. I should have just asked her.

Her silence stretched on....

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