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Hera's impression of herself brought a frown to my face. I thought my attraction was obvious but it seemed it wasn't.

I opened my hands willing her to place hers in mine. When she did I held them tightly.

"I would never make fun of you! Hera I don't care how much money you do or don't have or where you work. You are the most enticing, gorgeous, intelligent, woman I've ever met. The first time I heard you speak I knew I needed to know you. I don't know what kind of douche bags you've been with in the past but believe this when I say they were blinder than me to not see you for who you are. Let me get to know you better Hera, please." I knew I was begging but I didn't care I wanted this. I needed to know her.

I heard her sniffles and reached out my hand to touch her cheek. Shit! I made her cry! I was really fucking up tonight. I was scaring her away first with bringing her to my restaurant and now with my intense feelings. The ones I swore I would keep to myself.

"Kane, no ones ever been so kind to me before, thank you. I want to get to know you better too" she sniffled again but squeezed my hand reassuringly.

I blew out the breath I didn't know I was holding. "How about we take dinner and wine and head back to my place maybe all this was a little overkill. I was trying to impress you not overwhelm you"

"I think I'd like that Kane"

Just then Jimmy our waiter arrived and I told him the change in plans. In no time the food was bagged up, the wine corked and we were again in the back of my navigator headed back to my place. Enzo would give me hell tomorrow when I checked in but oh well I thought. I own the damn place I'll skip out on dining if I want to.

I knew he was in the kitchen dying to introduce himself to Hera but if she thought I was overwhelming then Lorenzo would scare the pants off her.

Lorenzo was head chef and a part owner of Italiano and one of my best friends. He was the 'middle aged' one we joked at 38 but you would never guess. He was loud and boisterous and the most adventurous of my close friends. Yes I would definitely hear it from him. I internally rolled my eyes and focused my energy back to my date.

Once we arrived at my townhouse Hera and I worked together to open up all the food at my table and ate straight from the to go containers. She poured the wine and after her sip and moan I knew she approved. What I would give to be that wine glass. I mentally slapped myself and returned my wayward thoughts to focus.

We chatted about growing up. I told her about Grayson and our twin shenanigans before and after the accident. Honestly our relationship had only grown. She talked about Penny her step-in mom and only friend. She was the same age as Enzo and I had a feeling he would probably try his hand at it if he got the chance. If Grayson was a playboy then Enzo was the lady killer he wined and dined just hadn't found the right one for him yet. It was amazing to laugh with her, it was infectious and I hung on every word she spoke. I was excited the wine had put her more at ease around me. Some of the shyness was gone now and I appreciated how open she was being.

After dinner we moved to the living room again sitting on my sofa, on opposite ends to continue our night bringing our wine and two spoons to share the tiramisu packed for us for dessert.

I wished I could see the flush of her cheeks the wine was sure to have made but I would settle for the sound of her laughter. We continued our talks of childhood and moved onto dreams. I told her I had always wanted to own and head my own restaurant but that my dreams changed after I lost my sight. I heard the sadness in her voice and my own too as we discussed the missed opportunity I had. But I still enjoyed the food industry just differently now.

I didn't mention that the settlement I received from the accident had allowed me the financial freedom to open several restaurants and I invested the rest with great return. I wasn't worth billions and I didnt "feel" rich, but I certainly wasn't upset about the millions I was worth. I liked that she didn't know that about me but I doubted she would care. And she would find out eventually anyway.

Money wasn't on her forefront because she was grateful for what she had and how she had earned everything on her own. It's the way I felt about myself. I respected her ability to do so with nothing and no one to help. She told me she had dreamed of being a nurse specializing in labor and delivery and eventually possibly becoming a Midwife but right not she couldn't afford school after the car accident that took her parents.

She seemed faraway talking about school. I could tell she missed it and she was halfway done but without the funds it was impossible at the moment. She remained positive about her situation and talked about saving what she could so she could eventually quit her second job.

I ached to take her sadness and reaching out my hand I took hers and gently pulled her to me.

"Is this ok Hera? If I do anything wrong tell me and I'll stop. I would never hurt you and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

She allowed herself to be pulled the rest of the way and I wrapped my arms around her reassuring her that one day her dreams would come true.

After I released her from my hug she made moves to return to the other side of the large couch but I held fast pulling her close to me again.

"Where are you going beautiful? Stay next to me, please?

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