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Being back in the real world this week had been surreal. Though I had accepted the key to Kane's home I hadn't moved in but then again I hadn't left either. We had spent every night at his place. Talking and getting to know each better during the day and making love all night. Alone together it was a dream world. At work was another story though.

It was Thursday and I was exhausted thinking of my long day ahead. I waved bye to Jackson as I reached the door to the main campus office before he sped off. Despite being dropped off and picked up daily I still wasn't used to be chauffeured around but I can't say I hated it.

The office was empty save for me and I made my way to my desk. Happy to get an early and quiet start.

The week was uneventful in regards to Mr. Smith and I told Kane to let everything go. I convinced myself I was reading too far into things. Kane however was skeptical of course.

I fired up my computer, turned on all the lights and adjusted all the daily logs and sign ins before sitting at my desk for emails.

Nothing new was going on except an email from Mr. Smith saying he was out for business for the rest of this week and next and to forward him anything.

I cheered up knowing that I would have nothing to tell Kane about. He was being worried for nothing.


The next few weeks flew by. Kane and I had fallen into an easy routine. We spent some mornings together having coffee and talking. We continued to spend our nights together making love.

He was the most giving person I had ever met. He gave himself to me freely, his time and much to my dismay his money. It was a Thursday again and I was packing up to leave the office. I was excited because Kane and I would leave for Miami this weekend to see his new restaurant and next weekend he was having a 'housewarming' party for us despite me not officially moving in. It was really just an excuse for me to spend more time with the people in his life. He was encouraging me to invite some coworkers and I had been toying with the idea of inviting Tom but I wasn't sure I should.

Tom surprised me as I was deep in thought packing my things.

"Hey Hera...earth to Hera!" He joked making me jump a little. He was standing behind me by his office door.

"Sorry Mr. Smith I was lost in thought. Can I do something for you before I go?" I asked. His eye raked my body making me feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Big plans this weekend? You seem distracted." He asked changing the subject.

"Uhm yes actually I'm flying to Miami to see my boyfriends new restaurant." I replied.

"Miami? Well it sounds like a good excuse to wear a bikini" he smirked raking my body with his eyes again. His hungry stare gave me the chills and made my stomach drop.

"If there's nothing else I can do for you my car is waiting for me. So I better be going." I pointed to the door. I turned taking a few steps towards it. I couldn't see Jackson through the small rectangular window. But I just needed to  get out of there.

"Hey Hera!" I stopped just as I opened the door and turned my head back. Tom was behind me. Closer than was comfortable. He reached out tucking a loose hair behind my ear. "We should have a drink sometime. Some of the teachers like to go on Friday's, you should come out with us." He put on a toothy grin.

Before I could say anything I heard Kane's voice float in through the cracked door. "Hera?" He was here. I felt elated. He was walking towards the door his cane leading the way.

"I'm here." The anxiety clear in my voice. Dammit. He would know.

He reached the door, I opened further and reached out my hand to him so he would know I was near. Tom stared apparently confused and surprised by the situation. I ignored his invite instead choosing to lean into Kane.

"Mr. Smith this is my boyfriend Winston Brown." I said my voice returning with Kane being near. Ever the gentleman Kane extended his hand for Tom who took it in return. I could see the battle of strength occur between the two at the connection.

"Nice to meet you" Kane said tightly.

Tom returned the sentiment releasing his hand. "Winston Brown? That name sounds familiar...." he pondered out loud before I could see the realization hit him. "The blind millionaire restauranteur, I've heard of you before."

"Many have" he responded smoothly before, "Hera baby we better go, we have plans."

I nodded in Toms direction who was still staring as we walked back to the car hand in hand. Inside the car I released the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Hera....." I turned to Kane's anxious face. "Tell me what happened." Shoot he was going to be mad. I recounted our exchange and how it made me uncomfortable. And I watched as Kane's face turned from anxiety to anger.

"You're quitting. Period." He ordered.

"Kane stop you cannot order me around like that!"

"The hell I can't! I don't trust him around you, you don't need the money so quit."

"Dammit Kane that isn't how this works!"
I was getting heated now with him demanding I do as he says. I was a quiet girl but I was also a capable one.

We pulled up to the house and I stormed out of the car and into his room. Kane was slower but not by much he followed closely after me.

"We aren't done discussing this Hera, god dammit!"

We had never fought before and I wasn't sure I could deal with this so I grabbed my duffel and started putting my clothes in there.

Kane stopped short. "Hera what are doing?" He could hear the closest open and the duffel unzip.

"I'm going home Kane. If you think you can tell me what to do like this. Demanding me to do what you say, you are very wrong." I continued to put some of my clothes in the duffel.

"Wait Hera." His voice softer now. "Please don't leave." His hand came up grasping my arm lightly.

I stopped my packing, sighing heavily, the tears escaping now.

"Please don't do this baby, I'm sorry I lost it. I want you safe and I don't trust him. You're right baby. I overreacted." His hand reached my cheek wiping my tears.
"Please Hera, no more yelling I'm sorry."

He pulled me into a hug and I let him, dropping my duffel at our feet.

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