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At 615 Jackson, my longtime driver, pulled up in my Navigator. Just because I was blind didn't mean I shouldn't have a nice car to ride in. I was excited for my date tonight with the enticing Hera. I didn't need to see her face to know she was gorgeous. I was anxious to learn more about her mind.

Tonight I would ask her about her dreams for her future and I wanted her to explain the color of her hair, her skin and eyes. I wanted to know as much as she could tell me.

And just thinking of her got my body hard again and I doubted Jackson wanted to witness that. I shook my head to get the thoughts of her body out of my mind.
I heard Jackson open the drivers door to let me in my side. I extended my hand to him.

"Jackson" I said "how's it going man? How's the family?"

Reaching me he placed his burly hand in mine. He was a large man, ex military and a little older then me. When I needed he served as body guard but more often he was a friend.

"Kylie is great man thanks for asking! And Kody is getting close to taking his training wheels off."

I smiled and replied "that's great Jack, they grow quickly!"

Chuckling he said, "sure do sure do"

I stepped into the car and showed Jackson the address to Hera's place. He commented on my date, it had been awhile since he had driven me on one. I retold him of our unconventional meeting. He seemed surprised I was suave enough to convince her on a date and we laughed over it.

I didn't need to stop anywhere for flowers because I had already picked some from my garden and wrapped them in brown paper. They smelled amazing like her.
She smelled of jasmine and vanilla and so I picked some jasmines from my garden along with a few roses.

I was nervous and the drive was short, we arrived with plenty of time to spare. I considered waiting in the car but knew I wanted to be near her ASAP. I didn't care if she was still getting ready I'd wait all night if had to.

I made my way up the stairs to her studio using my cane to guide me counting each step closer to her door. Jackson had described that she lived above a deli so I was able anticipate the stairs. Her door was the only one at the top of the landing and I knocked twice using the hand that held the cane. A few seconds passed before she opened the door. The air moved around her swirling her clean, fresh scent around me.

"Hello Hera." I said giving her my sexiest smile.

"Uhm....oh...Kane you're early! ....um I'm not quite ready but please come in. The couch is just up ahead on your left be careful for the coffee table. Hesitantly she added "Sorry my place isn't as great as yours but it's home, so please make yourself comfortable."

She stepped out the way as I stepped into her personal space. I didn't care about wether she had fancy furniture or a big home. This was her space and I was just grateful she trusted me to be here.

I extended my arms with the flowers I picked for her. I hoped they were all pristine, I did my best while I was choosing them to feel the petals for any imperfections. I wanted them perfect like her.

"Hera, these are for you" I said offering her the package.

She took them from me and brought them to her nose I deduced as I listened to her breath in their scent. I wondered if she realized their scent matched her own.

"Thank you Kane, you didn't have to do this. How did you know I love jasmines?"

"I didn't but when I breathed you in this is what I smelled jasmine and hints of vanilla and something else distinctly you. I'm glad you like them. I picked them from my garden for you." I was probably creeping her out with my sense of smell, but she didn't comment. It had been strong before when I was in culinary school but since the accident it had only heightened.

I heard her opening the cabinet and grabbing what I imagined was a vase. I heard the water running filling it and the crinkle of the paper being removed. My cane located the couch and I thought idly of how she had given me specific directions. Usually it would feel almost inconvenient when I stepped in a new home and they had to explain every little thing. Hera accepted my blindness and even accommodated me without realizing it. I was in awe of her.

The couch was slightly lumpy and sank deeper than a newer couch would but the scent of jasmine that was distinctly her clung to it. She placed a cover over the couch probably hiding old scratchy fabric. I wondered what color it was.

She indicated that she was almost ready and I nodded my understanding. I would wait hours if I had to, I didn't care.

Thinking I shouldn't be nosy but failing I used my sense of touch to feel around. There was a low coffee table in front of me. I could feel the scratched surface but it was clean no remote control or magazines could be felt. There was a small side table to my right. On top  of the table was a book placed cover side up. I made a mental note to ask what she was reading. I wondered if she would read to me and let me listen to her angelic voice.

Next to the book I felt a small lamp and the base of the vase containing the flowers I'd brought. That was it on this side table. No small keepsakes or Knick knacks were lain on the surfaces I touched. She kept her home simple and I appreciated that. My home was the same although my vacation homes held more opulence than my townhouse which was simple, both in coloring and decor. I wondered if she would like to see one of the homes I shared with Greyson. Or where she had traveled before. All questions I would store to ask later.

I could hear Hera moving around her room finishing the getting ready part. The thought of her in her bedroom, brushing her long hair and slipping into her outfit for the night caused an involuntary groan, and I beat the thought back into submission as I heard the click of her bedroom door as it opened.

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