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After seeing the restaurant and meeting Gabriella, who was very accomplished, smart and beautiful, Kane called a driver to take us to my next surprise.

They dropped us off at a marina where we were met by a man who led us to a gorgeous yacht.

"Oh my god, Kane is this yours?"

"Technically it's shared between Grayson, Enzo and I but yes it's mine. Another Grayson toy he suggested we needed and we sail tomorrow." Kane beamed at me.

"So what are we doing here now", I couldn't help but ask.

Kane smiled wide.

He gave me directions to the master bedroom of the gigantic boat. and I was excited at the thought of being alone together on this boat. I didn't know if there was a boat equivalent to the mile high club but I couldn't wait to find out.

Kane said nothing but continued to grin as I led us following his directions until I reached the door. I turned the knob and opened the door to the most beautiful sight.

Kane had the space lit up with candles everywhere. And I'm every spot there wasn't candles there was jasmines. It reminded me of our time in Hawaii when he told me he loved me for the first time only a few months ago.

I stepped into the fragrant lit room before turning to thank Kane.

I gasped at the new sight in front of me. More wonderful than the jasmines and the candles was Kane on one knee.

I couldn't stop the tears now. He reached a hand out towards me and I took it.

"Hera, my goddess, the past few months have been magical. And I knew from that first day that this is where I wanted to be with you. I didn't know how or what or why but I knew who I wanted this with. You have shined light into my life and if you'll do me the honor of being my wife I promise to never take the love and light you give for granted. Will you marry me Hera?"

He pulled about a the biggest brightest diamond ring I'd ever seen before. Not that I had seen many. But words failed me so instead I jumped into his open arms kissing his face and lips and neck.

"I'll take that as a yes then?"

"Yes! Yes a thousand times yes!" I yelled in between kisses and a failed attempt and pulling him to the ground.

"Whoa whoa at least let me put on the ring first!"

I giggled and held out my hand for Kane to feel around and place the ring on my left hand.

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