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   Makato Shinano (Male Student No. 11) arrived in front of a rather large metal building. The facade of the building had large cracked glass windows and some of its frames were chipped off the wall. He was panting so hard he nearly lost his breath. He looked behind him and saw the wooden bridge that connected the main island to this islet where the he and the building stood. The wind was so strong around those parts, which made him really nervous. He thought no one ever ventured into the building yet so he decided to enter it. He pushed the rusty double doors of the building open, creating a loud creaking sound. He poked his head inside.

   Metal catwalks ran around the upper part of the hollow building at various angles and heights. Some of these catwalks already collapsed on the floor. Wooden and metal crates lined up on the sides, blocking some door frames that must've led to other rooms. Several hooks hang on rusted chains from the ceiling, which composed of criscrossing steel foundations. Machinery were scattered around, indicating that this building was an abandoned factory. He quickly went inside, closed the doors and went to search for something to jam the doors. Something tells him someone might try to enter this place. He found a over-sized can filled with steel pipes of varying lengths. He pulled out two which seemed good enough. He inserted the two pipes through the doors' handles. Yes, he was safe, for now. 

   If someone armed with a good weapon enters the building and attacks him, he couldn't stand a chance. His weapon was a good-for-nothing jumpin rope, unless if he can strangle the attacker to death. That was his only sympathy to himself. For now, his only priority is to find a safe place to hide (check) and rest until all of his energy are restored (no check).

   He went further inside and found a stack of crates that reached up to the catwalks above. These crates were held together by a thick rope. A lower stack also lined up beside it, making a 'fort'. He decided that this was the best place to hide. He hid inside the little fort and laid his bag on the corner. Just in case, he tied one end of the jumping rope in his wrist. He then laid down on the cold concrete floor and gazed at the ceiling.

   Hmm... What to do now?

   The sun was still pretty high in the sky so the inside of the factory was still easy to see. He held up his wrist in front of him and checked his watch. It read: 2:44 PM. It was still day one. Two more days to go before he dies, which he didn't hope to happen. The death toll of his classmates was nearing half. He thought of the good times he had with his classmates, but was replaced by events that obliterated them, one by one. He remembered Okamatsu's announcements about his classmates' deaths and automatically imagined them.

   He quickly shook his head, as if it was real and trying hard to get rid of it. Resting was the best way to do now. He'll just think of what do to when he wakes up, an action he even doubted of, especially now that his life is at stake at this Program.

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