1 - Dodgeball

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"What now?"

"You're in a good mood today," He cocks his head to the side playfully, his fluffy blond hair falling over his dark eyes, which are sparkling with mischief. You slam your locker shut, glaring at him as you hold a book to your chest, hoping he'll leave you alone.

The sunlight spilling in the high windows of the wide school corridors is making his tan skin glow. His hair seems lighter in the sunlight, almost platinum blond. Jimin seems to notice your subtle admiring and you clear your throat, quickly stopping.

"Move," You say, plump lips pressed together firmly as you glare at him. Jimin's just as plump lips stretch across his pearly white teeth as he leans against the locker next to yours, smiling down at you with the usual fuckboy demeanour.

"Why? Do you not wanna talk with me?"

You narrow your eyes at him as his smile morphs into a pout. You've never felt so much hate towards one man before.

You push past him, shoving your shoulder against his arm as you do. He chuckles watching you go, so you throw up your middle finger at him. That only makes his laugh grow more prominent.

Soon enough, he disappears in the crowd of students and so do you. Your blood is boiling as you think about his expression. You want nothing more than to punch him in his unfairly pretty face every time he glances at you, but that's illegal or whatever.

"Hey, Sumi."

"Hi," You don't glance up at Jungkook as he walks alongside you, checking the time on your phone instead. "You okay?" Jungkook asks, nudging your arm gently. You sigh a little, slipping your phone back into the waistband of your skirt.

"Your fuckboy friend keeps annoying me," You mutter in annoyance and Jungkook smiles weakly, rubbing the back of his neck with his left hand. "Sorry about him, he's a nice person when you get to know him."

You scoff in disbelief, which makes Jungkook sigh. "You don't even try and get along with him, I promise he's nice," He says as you head to your class together. You shake your head a little, getting more and more pissed off the more you think of that idiot.

"I don't want to get along with him," You say defiantly and Jungkook rolls his eyes at you, shoving his hands in his pockets as you enter the classroom together, walking to your seats at the back. "Why not?"

"He's a fuckboy," You say simply, dropping your bag beside your chair and sitting down. Jungkook shrugs, sitting next to you and leaning back in his chair, yawning and covering his nose instead of his mouth. "He's more than that stupid label you seem to slap on everyone."

"Not everyone, just him and his crew," You say, taking out your books and copy. Jungkook chuckles, shaking his head at you. "I'm apart of his crew, am I a fuckboy as well?"

"No...yes and no," You hesitate before answering and Jungkook laughs. "Yes and no? So I am, but I'm also not?" He asks, leaning forward again and smiling at you as he awaits an answer.

"You're an acceptable fuckboy," You say decisively and he rolls his tongue over his bottom lip, eyebrows slightly raised as he looks at you. "Glad to know I'm at least acceptable."

"You know what I mean, okay? I'm not trying to insult you, but you do have a lot of girlfriends," You say seriously and Jungkook shrugs, his dark curly hair falling over his eyes as he looks down at the homework in front of you.

"None of them are quite right for me. Can I copy that homework?" He asks, nodding to your work. You nod, sliding it over to him and unlocking your phone under the desk. 

"Whatever. Look, I get that he's your friend and all, but the day I try and get along with Park Jimin is the day hell freezes over."


f*ckboy - P.JMWhere stories live. Discover now