13 - Brat

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"You're gonna look so pretty," You whisper, tongue sticking out a little as you focus on not fucking up his eye makeup. "I always look pretty," He replies and you smile at how cute he is. "Of course."

You put some glitter on the inner corner of his eyes with a smaller brush before putting all your brushes away. You grab a mascara and open it up, Jimin shifting comfortably in your lap. "Open your eyes and look up."

Jimin does as you say, looking up at you innocently. "Not at me," You mutter, cheeks growing hot from his unwavering stare. His eyes look more intimidating and make him look far scarier with makeup. "Why not?"

"You're intimidating," You say truthfully and he giggles, raising his hand up and pinching your cheek. "Good to know," He says, pulling your chubby cheek out a bit. You push his hand away and open the mascara. "Don't blink too hard and don't flinch."

"Woah woah, you're not gonna put that near my eyes, right?!" Jimin exclaims, quickly sitting up against you so you don't have great access to his eyes. "Yes, it's mascara. Can you at least turn around?" You scowl, but he shakes his head, leaning his head back on your shoulder and placing his hands on your thighs, which are on either side of his hips.

"No way, you're gonna poke my eye out," He says and you sigh, closing the mascara and putting it back in the bag. Jimin leans his full weight back on you with a mischievous smile and you squeak, falling back against your pillows. "You-Ouch-You're heavy," You get out, trying to push him off.

"Thank you so much!" Jimin grins, turning over on top of you and resting his hands on your shoulders. He nuzzles his face into your neck and you sigh, wrapping one arm around him and petting the back of his head with the other.

The only reason you're letting him away with this is because you want him to be happy and forget about whatever happened in his house. Maybe you also want to cuddle him as well.

"You're gonna mess up your makeup already," You say, referring to him nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. Jimin doesn't seem to care, hooking his arms around your neck and clinging to you. "Why am I letting you away with this?" You grumble, but you still play with his hair.

Jimin smiles shyly, his heart pounding against his chest, unbeknownst to you. He feels so happy in your arms, every single one of his worries are melting away the longer he stays in your embrace.

He feels embarrassed feeling this way, but it's not like he can stop it. He's putty in your hands, you could ask him to steal the Mona Lisa for your birthday present with that little pout and he'd already be on his way to buy a mask.

Usually, if something would happen at home, he'd end up checking his texts and finding a girl to hook up with to help him forget. That, or he'd go to the club and sit in the smoking area, girls would practically crowd him.

However, right now, whatever weird magic spell that you're casting on him, it's working. Something about your arms around him and your fingers gently brushing through his hair makes him feel so calm, and a hundred times better than sex or smoking would.

Jimin feels scared. He's terrified that he'll become dependent on this feeling, he doesn't want to do that to you. He might end up at your house every night, wanting you to hug him and cuddle him just like this.

He lets out a sigh accidentally, too lost in his thoughts to remember the sigh is audible to you. "You okay, Jiminie?" You ask, drawing invisible designs on his bare back thanks to the turtleneck riding up his torso, leaving the lower bit of his back exposed to you.

Jimin can feel his cheeks flushing red at your fingertips tracing the delicate designs. Every time your fingertips graze against his bare skin, it's almost as if they leave a burning stripe behind. Jimin squeezes his eyes shut tight, burying his face further into the crook of your neck to hide his flustered face.

He's been with hundreds of girls, and none of them have ever flustered him like this, let alone done it accidentally. "Jiminieee? Anyone in there?" You knock on the back of his head with your little closed fist gently, holding back giggles.

Jimin's stomach twists and he bites back a massive smile. None of his friends call him that, his closest friend, Taehyung, calls him Chim, and even then it's rare to hear that. You calling him Jiminie is enough to make his heart race and his stomach churn.

"I'm fine," He finally replies, his voice quiet and small. You decide to tease him, tapping his dimples of Venus teasingly. "You sure? You sound like a little mouse."

Jimin scowls at your comment, but there's still something fluttering in his stomach. He clears his throat, raising his head a little so his lips are brushed against your ear.

"I said I'm fine, sweetheart."

Jimin's plump lips stretch across his pearly teeth at your reaction to his words. He made sure to make his voice deep and seductive, and it seems to have successfully flustered you. You furrow your brows, lips pressing together to form a pout, your cheeks turning rosy pink.

"Did you hear me that time?" Jimin asks in an amused tone of voice and you blow a strand of hair out of your face, feeling embarrassed. "Shut up, you're just trying to make me blush," You mumble and he smiles, grazing his lips against your earlobe teasingly. "And if I am?"

"You can use the floor as your pillow instead of me if you don't stop," You whine, moving your hand from the back of his head to his cheek, pushing his face away from yours. Jimin chuckles, letting his face fall back into your neck. "Nah, you're a way better pillow."

"Such a brat," You mumble, running your fingers through his soft curly hair again. Jimin removes his arms from around your neck, instead opting to wrap them around your waist. You've already grabbed your phone with your free hand, not minding what he does as he uses you like a cuddly toy.

Jimin rolls onto his side, hooking a leg over your hips and pulling you closer to him. He buries his face in your chest, closing his eyes and listening for your heartbeat. You hum at the new position, holding your phone behind him so and resting your head on his.

You kiss the top of his head before returning your focus to your phone. Jimin's heart stops for a moment as he feels your plush lips press against his hair. He's smiling uncontrollably, and he feels incredibly happy. Suddenly, he asks something that makes you freeze.

"Can I stay here tonight?"

Feeling you stiffen in his arms, his heart drops to his stomach. He shouldn't have asked, you were hospitable enough yesterday. He's really asking for far too much.

"I thought we already established you're staying here tonight, dumbass."

Wait, what?

Jimin frowns in confusion, peeking up at you with large eyes. You meet his puppy eyes with a smile, hugging him close. "You're staying here tonight, and tomorrow, and the day after, and after and after-"

"You really don't need to let me stay here forever, just tonight," He says seriously and you chuckle, ruffling his hair gently. "I don't care, this is your home now. Whenever you need it, turn up here, no questions asked."

Jimin looks down, hiding his face in your neck once his throat begins burning and his eyes begin stinging. You've cried in front of him, but he refuses to do it in front of you.

"Thanks," Is all he can get out without bursting into tears. You smile softly, sensing his urge to cry and massaging his scalp with your fingertips. "You can cry if you need to, I won't call you a crybaby. At least, I'll try not to."

Jimin lets a giggle escape him, along with a tear. You feel the tear dampen the collar of your dark oversized shirt, causing you to laugh and stroke his hair contently. "Cute," You whisper and Jimin bites his bottom lip, something jumping around in his stomach again.

Maybe he should go to the doctor and get his stomach checked out, it's feeling way too weird to be normal.

A/N :

double update :]

please vote comment and follow if u like this story, it really motivates me to write more. thank u for ur support, i love u all, byebye!

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