19 - Sleeping Beauty

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"You know what's awful?"

"What?" You ask, taking another bite of pizza, a bit distracted watching the k-drama. Jimin finishes chewing his slice of pizza before continuing. "We haven't cuddled in around 22 hours," He says, smiling a little as he waits for your reaction.

You look back at him with one raised eyebrow. "I thought you didn't like the C–word," You say before looking back at the TV. Jimin scowls at your response, he wanted you to blush instead of calling him out.

"I do when it's with you, now can you come here?" He asks with a little pout and you shake your head, finishing your last slice of pizza and wiping your fingers on a tissue. "I'm good. I'm gonna go to bed, it's almost 11 pm. Want some water before I go?"

"Are you serious right now?" Jimin sighs as you get up and pick up the plate, yawning and looking around your room for any more empty cups or glasses. "Of course. Want an extra blanket?" You ask teasingly and Jimin pouts, falling back against the pillows and crossing his arms.

You smile at how adorable he is, turning around to leave. Snickers gets up once she realizes you're leaving, bolting after you. "You're just gonna leave me all alone?" He calls out dolefully and you smile over your shoulder at him. "Goodnight, Jiminie."

Jimin sighs again once the door clicks shut behind you and he's left alone in your bedroom to sleep. He opens his phone, grimacing at the texts flooding in from desperate girls. He doesn't need sex, he needs your arms around him again. Jimin lets his phone fall from his hand next to him, pulling the duvet over his head and squeezing his eyes shut tight.

He turns on his side, trying to imagine you're in his arms and he's cuddling you again. Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tries, he can't imagine it properly.

The bed is cold and empty, and he's all alone.


You finally close Twitter after about an hour and yawn, stretching out your arms above your head. You turn on some soft music on low volume and put your phone under your pillow, turning on your side and pulling your knees up to your chest. Even though you've slept alone your whole life up until two days ago, it feels weird without Jimin embracing you.

You shrug it off, closing your eyes and listening to the quiet music, slowly falling asleep. You shiver under the covers, feeling a little cold despite the heavy duvet. You consider getting out of bed to change your shorts into pyjama bottoms, but that's too much work.

You let out a tiny sigh, wishing Jimin was cuddling you from behind again. You feel a little weird wishing for this, but then again, you've become used to his presence. You focus back in on the calming lyrics of the music to forget about him.

Right as you're about to drift off to sleep, you hear the door slowly creak open. Immediately, you sit upright and stare at the door with wide eyes, trying to get your vision to adjust to the dark. There's a figure in the doorway, causing your heartbeat to speed up a little. Is there a fucking intruder?

"Can I sleep in here with you?"

You relax at Jimin's soft honey voice, your eyes finally adjusting to the darkness. He's clutching a pillow to his chest, curly blond hair messy and puppy eyes activated. You sigh, running a hand through your hair. "I thought you were—Nevermind. Can you not sleep on your own?"

Jimin nods, eyebrows upturned as he watches you hopefully. You heart twinges and you slip under the duet again, muttering, "Fine, come here."

Jimin closes the door behind himself, blocking out the light from the hall. He totters over, climbing into your parents' bed and sitting next to you. He frowns down at the pillow, throwing it down onto the ground gently before snaking his arms around your waist.

f*ckboy - P.JMTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang