11 - Operation Make Jimin Happy

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Almost instantly, you choke on your spoon and ice cream and Haeyon's eyes go wide. She slaps your back as you almost choke to death at the top of the stairs, eyes squeezed shut.

By the time you recover, Mingyu's looking over his shoulder at you condescendingly. "Are you done dying? Care to explain why a boy is at our house for you?" He asks with narrowed eyes and you clear your throat, shoving the bowl of ice cream into Haeyon's hands and rushing downstairs.

"He's my friend, now shoo, go back to your room," You say dismissively, grabbing Jimin's arm and pulling him inside. Your bite your lip realizing he's still wearing his uniform, the tie far looser and the shirt crinkled. 

"Come on, where's your hoodie Jiminie? What'd I tell you about the cold? You're such an idiot sometimes, you're really going to freeze," You mumble under your breath, smoothing out his shirt a little before pulling him upstairs with you. Mingyu can hardly even get a word out before you're gone.

You slam your bedroom door shut behind you, spinning on Jimin and cupping his cheeks carefully, inspecting the first thing you noticed when you saw him. The raw red mark on his cheek and the bruise forming on his cheekbone.

"Does it still hurt?" You ask softly, eyes stinging from the urge to cry. You don't know why it affects you so much, but knowing he's been hurt, by his family nonetheless, makes you want to sob. "Not really, I'm fine, I swear."

"I know you're not. Look, I'm gonna go rob Mingyu's clothes again, get a hot water bottle, an ice pack and...have you eaten? Do you want me to make you dinner?" You ask frantically, wanting to do everything to help him all at once. Jimin gently grasps your wrists, pulling your hands down from his face.

"Calm down, sweetheart. I'm alright, you don't need to panic," He says calmly, not in the least bit affected by the marks on his face. Finally, a tear escapes the inner corner of your eye and you shake your head. "Of course you're not alright, of course I'm going to panic. Who did that to you? I'm going to kill them, why did they hurt you? You don't deserve to be hurt, this—"

"Sumi," Jimin says your name gently, cupping your cheeks instead. He strokes the corner of your lips with his thumb and you take several deep breaths. "I'm not ready to tell you, can we please do what we did before and watch a movie? I just want to forget."

You bite your lip again, a few more tears streaming down your face and culminating at the bottom of your chin and up your jawline. You nod a little, looking down to hide your tear-filled eyes. "R-Right. I'll get you everything now, just give me five minutes. What do you want to eat?"

"Whatever's easiest for you to make, don't want you attempting a gourmet meal and burning the house down," Jimin smiles a little as he teases you and you let a small giggle escape your lips, followed by a lot of tears. You let the waterfalls loose and Jimin sighs quietly before pulling you into his chest.

He holds the back of your head with one hand, the other hand on the small of your back as you cry your heart out into his chest. Why are you the one crying? He's the one who's hurt.

"Such a crybaby, I'll never let you forget this," He whispers and you slap his chest lightly before hugging his waist. "I'll kill you," You sniff through your tears and he chuckles quietly, stroking your hair soothingly.

"You're crying your eyes out in my arms, this'll be a great story to tell at school," He continues teasing, nuzzling his cheek against the top of your head. You try and contain the rest of your tears, wiping your under eyes on his shirt before pulling away. "I've never cried in front of you, got it?"

"Got it," He grins, wiping away another tear from the corner of your eye with his thumb. "Good, now let me go cook your gourmet meal," You say, your breathing a bit more steady. Jimin giggles again, turning his attention to the confused cat on your bed as you leave.

You wipe your eyes again as you close the door behind yourself. Your stomach churns thinking about the bruise forming on his face. You head downstairs first, going into the kitchen and boiling the kettle, deciding that cup noodles is the best gourmet meal you can manage.

Mingyu walks in right as you finish pouring the boiling water into the noodles, closing the lid over it again. "Why's your makeup running? Were you crying?" He asks in confusion and you let out a little gasp. You forgot you were wearing makeup! Oh fuck, you probably looked like such a mess in front of Jimin, fuck fuck fuck!

"Did that boy make you cry?" Your older brother asks with wide eyes once you don't respond for a moment. "No no, no! Of course not! No, we just...look, it doesn't matter. Can I borrow some of your clothes for him?"

"No way," Mingyu scoffs and you look at him with glistening eyes. "Please? Just some warm clothes, he needs them. I'll make you dinner for the next week," You plead and Mingyu clicks his tongue, filling up a glass with ice-cold water. "Deal."

"Thanks, Minnie," You say gratefully before leaving with a fork and cup noodles in one hand. You grab an ice pack from the freezer in the utility room before heading upstairs. You head into Mingyu's room first, putting the noodles, fork and ice pack on the dresser while you grab the clothes.

You decide to grab an oversized cream turtleneck, black sweatpants, white fluffy socks and a black shirt as well. You catch the corner of the ice pack in between your teeth, holding the neatly stacked and folded clothes in one hand and the fork and noodles in the other.

You make your way back to your bedroom, having to open the door with your foot before stumbling in. Jimin sighs seeing you balance everything quite unproductively. He gets up, abandoning the cat and taking the clothes and noodles from you carefully. "You shouldn't have tried to do everything all in one trip, dumbass."

"I still have to get the hot water bottle," You say after letting the ice pack drop out of your mouth onto the bed. Jimin shakes his head, smiling a little as you hand him the fork. "Why do I need a hot water bottle when I have you?"

"Smooth," You sniff, grabbing some makeup wipes and wiping your messy eye makeup off. "I'll get the hot water bottle while you change, be quick, okay?"

Jimin nods and you leave quickly, rushing downstairs to get the hot water bottle. You need to form a game plan.

Time to carry out Operation Make Jimin Happy.

A/N :

oh em gee i think i forgot to update again

sorry i was depressed over the fucking scammys i stayed up till 3 am just for them to cut bts's performance short and give the grammy to rain on me ISTG IM GONNA ok im getting mad again alright

okay thank u as always for ur support please vote comment and follow i love u all soso much byebyee

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