6 - Chocolate

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"How about this one?"

"If you pick one more movie about sex, you can sleep in the neighbour's bin," You say with a scowl, looking down at Chicken again, who's curled up in your lap. Jimin sighs, abandoning the description of Fifty Shades Of Grey and going back to scrolling through Netflix, searching for a more appropriate movie.

Your feet are resting on the edge of the coffee table as you sit on the sofa, the cat laying in between your thighs and chest. All the snacks are spread out on the coffee table, so you're of course wearing fluffy socks, you're not nasty.

Jimin looks at you hopefully and you glance up at the TV, sighing as you see 365 Days. "No, that movie's creepy. Give me the remote, I'm picking," You say, holding out your hand for the remote. Jimin looks back at the TV, not handing you the remote.

Instead, he places his hand in yours and intertwines his slender fingers with yours. Your heart jumps and your breath gets caught in your throat from his hand's warmth enclosing yours. "One more chance, I'll pick a good one."

"Let go, dumbass," You mumble, your cheeks heating up again. He glances at you with a small smile and you look away, lips pressed together in a pout. Jimin bites his bottom lip to contain his smile, squeezing your hand gently. "Why should I? You seem to be enjoying it."

"In your dreams," You scoff, trying to pull your hand out of his. Jimin giggles in a childlike manner, looking at the TV as he tries to find a movie. "You're cute."

"Let gooo! I wanna get some chocolate," You say as an excuse and Jimin smiles, putting the remote down and leaning forward. You sigh as he grabs a bar of chocolate from the table and unwraps it for you.

You glare at him as he breaks off a square and holds it out to you with a charming smile. Your other hand is occupied keeping Chicken happy in your lap, so it's not like you can slap him. "Open your mouth, doll."

Your mind immediately falls into the gutter and you cough in embarrassment, not meeting his eyes. "Nevermind, I'm not hungry anymore."

Jimin rolls his eyes, leaning in closer to you and pressing the chocolate against your plump lips, which are still pressed firmly together. "Come on, you know you want some. It's chocolate, you love chocolate," Jimin eggs you on with a sly smile and you turn your head to the side to avoid the chocolate.

Your stomach does a somersault as Jimin begins caressing the back of your hand with his thumb. The action causes your lips to part for just a moment, but that moment is long enough for Jimin to push the square of chocolate in between your teeth.

You scowl, finally accepting your fate and chewing on the chocolate quietly. It's delicious, but you'd never admit that to him. You swallow it and look away again, chewing the inside of your cheek.

"I can see you enjoyed it, you're not great at hiding your emotions, love," Jimin hums, breaking off a piece of the bar for himself. Your tummy is full to the brim with butterflies as he continues stroking the back of your hand with his thumb, grabbing the TV remote and browsing movies again.

"Shut up," You mumble, looking down at Chicken again and focusing on scratching the fur on his chest. Jimin finally decides on a movie, a horror one at that. You gulp reading the horrifying description, mentally slapping yourself for letting him pick. "You okay?"

Jimin seems amused by your suddenly pale face and you nod. "Fine. Can you pass me the chocolate milk?" You ask weakly and he does so, the TV remote balancing on the armrest. You like to think of yourself as a bad bitch, but horror movies are the one thing you can't handle.

"How are you going to drink it?" Jimin asks with a frown as he holds the chocolate milk. You sigh, carefully pulling your hand away from Chicken and praying to every god out there that he doesn't care.

f*ckboy - P.JMWhere stories live. Discover now