9 - Angry Bunny Sumi

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"Nice lockscreen."

Jungkook glances at Jimin for a moment, then breaks into a wide smile. "Isn't it just? I call this masterpiece of a photo; 'Angry Bunny Sumi'," He says, waving his phone side to side with a grin. Jimin raises the cigarette to his lips again, trying to force a smile but ultimately failing. "It's nice," He says, sounding angrier than he means to.

Luckily, Jungkook doesn't notice the change in his tone of voice. "We were eating ice cream, I hit her on the back of the head and I ended up with a bunny beside me," Jungkook chuckles, unlocking his phone with his fingerprint and scrolling through his texts, putting the lollipop back in his mouth once he's done talking.

Jimin narrows his eyes at the phone screen once he sees your name at the top, taking a long drag of the cig and blowing a large cloud of smoke up into the air. He shouldn't feel pissed off knowing you and Jungkook are doing shit like going for ice cream together and texting all the time. So why does he?

Jimin glares up at the sky above him, raising the cigarette to his lips again but not smoking any for a moment. He can't help but wonder if you guys would ever do the same. The thought of going downtown with you to get ice cream makes something twist in his stomach, causing him to frown.

He glances down at his tummy, wondering if he's eaten something weird. That's never happened before. Well, it has, but only once. The only other time was this morning, when he woke up with you in his arms. He felt something weird in his stomach, but he can't think of what it could be.

Wait, did you poison him last night? Was there something in that Coca Cola? Oh no. What if he's already dying? What if there's poison coursing through his veins at this very instant?

Jimin puffs another cloud of smoke out of his lips, brows furrowed as he thinks about it. No, how would you even obtain poison and add it to his drink? Was it in the soup? No, what high school student would just have poison in their house?

Poison theory is now ruled out. You hate him a lot, but not enough to commit first-degree murder. At least, that's what he hopes.

Why do you even hate him? Jimin frowns, that weird thing happening in his stomach. Only this time, it feels bad, like a snake writhing around uncomfortably. Jungkook begins speaking, but Jimin isn't listening at all, he can barely even hear his voice.

Why do you hate him? He never really thought about that. You hate him in school, but when he ended up at your house, your entire demeanour changed. Is it to do with your reputation? Or perhaps to do with his?

Why do you change in school? Wait, does he change in school? What was it you said to him? "You're turning into that dickhead you are in school." That was it, right? Dickhead.

Jimin pushes his tongue onto the inside of his cheek, closing his eyes and leaning his head back as he tries to think of how differently he acts. All of a sudden he can't seem to remember how he's acted throughout the past four years of his life.

Okay, if he can't remember how he acts in school, he can at least try and remember how he acts around you. With you...in school, he flirts a lot, sometimes inappropriately. The same thing happens in his stomach again and he knits his brows together. Maybe that's why you hate him.

Would you start to like him if he dialled it down a bit? Why does he even care? Usually, Jimin puts on his fake persona he uses in school and every single girl falls at his feet...but you're not every single girl, you hate guys like him. At least, guys like his persona. Maybe...maybe he should just act how he did last night?

Then again, last night, he was just...himself? Why on earth would you prefer that? He's only ever been yelled at and abused for being himself, he shouldn't act that way around you at all. You'll only hate him more.

No, he should keep acting tough, like he does in school. That way you won't think of him as weak, right? Do you think that way? You saw him too sensitive last night, and he hates that. He needs to instil that sense of intimidation surrounding him in your mind again.

Otherwise, you might see who he really is, someone who's weak, scared, hungry, someone who needs to cuddle someone in their sleep. He can't help but shift uncomfortably knowing that someone knows his most embarrassing secret. The fact he clings to people like a helpless child in his sleep.

Jimin takes a deep breath before taking another drag from the cigarette. One night spent with you and he revealed his secret, God knows what he'd say if you two got any closer. Maybe it's best to stay away?

At the same time, he feels so carefree around you. When he told you about his stupid sleeping habit, you just giggled and called it cute. Jimin squeezes his eyes shut tighter as his stomach twists again, this time in a good way. What the hell is happening to him?

He feels free to be himself around you, but that's a bad idea. He needs to keep his guard up, he can't let you break his walls down so easily. All it took was some hot soup, fluffy clothes and you clutching onto his hand during a horror movie to make him feel happier than he ever has before.

The back of Jimin's throat is burning as he realizes he's never even felt that comfortable with his closest friends. He needs to stay away from you, but he knows he can't. Is it a good idea to let you in? Or will it be the catalyst to destroying both him and his reputation?


Jimin only catches that word from Jungkook's ramblings and he immediately looks at him with wide eyes. "So you should go with her! See, my bus is here now, I told you. Bye Jimin, see you tomorrow!"

Jimin stares after Jungkook as he hops off the school wall and runs up to his bus, climbing onto it while he puts his earphones in. Jimin frowns, wishing he listened to what his friend was saying instead of thinking about your dumbass.

Did Jungkook say something about going with you? Or did he say your name, and then was talking about an unrelated girl?

Jimin's worried thoughts are interrupted by his phone buzzing in his pocket. He lets his cigarette hang from his plump lips as he pulls it out, checking the text quickly. 

hey loser
wanna go get milkshakes 🙏

who are u 🤨

your knight in shining sweatpants ofc 🤸‍♀️


that's me baby 🥰

Jimin's stomach does the thing again and he can't help but smile, a small squeak escaping him. He pulls his knees up to his chest, blushing a little as he stares at his phone. 

The students that are standing around waiting for their bus all give him weird looks, wondering who the hell has got Park Jimin smiling and giggling at his phone like an idiot.

Jimin taps the contact name, renaming it quickly with the same lovesick smile. 

Do you want to rename the contact 'unknown' as
sumi 💕 ?
Yes               No

A/N :

hi lovelies sorry for the update being a little late schools kicking my ass 

thank u for the support on this book, please vote comment and follow i love u all so much byebyee

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