17 - Ice Pack

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Jimin bites his plump bottom lip nervously, staring at your contact name in his phone. Should he call you now? He doesn't want to be annoying.

Jimin glances back at his house before shuddering and walking down the sidewalk, dialling your number as he does. It was difficult and painful enough collecting his clothes and belongings, his mother gave him hell for even attempting to leave.

She even went as far as to slap him right on his fresh bruise, which is making it sting again. Jimin just left, deciding not to fight back in case he gets in more trouble. His mother is usually the one who does the verbal abuse, and fighting back against her being physical would only make her go ballistic.

"Sumi? I'm...I'm on my way to yours now, is that okay?" Jimin asks, somewhat worried you've changed your mind. "Yeah, that's—WOULD YOU FUCK OFF?!" You yell, holding the phone a little away from your ear.

Jimin chuckles listening to you yell at your brother for trying to listen in to your phone call. "You little whore, I'm gonna-You can come over now Jiminie, I'm lazy so I ordered pizza—STOP DON'T THROW MY TXT ALBUMS OUT THE WINDO—"

Jimin decides to hang up so as to not hear your distressed yells anymore, smiling to himself as he slips his phone back into his pocket.

He's holding back giggles, so he lets his head fall back as he walks, smiling like an absolute idiot despite the new mark developing on the side of his face.


"Mingyu, have mercyyy," You wail in despair as he holds the valuable album out the window. You've been begging and pleading for him to give you the TXT album back for twenty minutes, but to no avail.

Mingyu opens his mouth to respond, but the doorbell ringing interrupts him. His eyes fly to your bedroom door and he quickly throws your album to you before darting out of the door. You gasp in relief, kissing the front of the album before putting it back on your shelf, thanking every god out there that it's okay.

Then you remember it's probably Jimin at the door and you bolt out of your room, running downstairs and somehow reaching the door right as your brother does. You grab his arm and fling him into the sitting room before opening the front door.

Jimin smiles at you despite your dishevelled appearance and heavy panting. You pull him inside, slamming the door shut and pushing him upstairs while Mingyu yells after you. Once you reach your bedroom, you collapse back onto your bed and try and catch your breath. "I'm glad your album's okay," Jimin grins, nodding to the safe album.

"Me too. Did you get everything you needed?" You ask, sitting up and wiping a bead of sweat from your forehead. "I think so," Jimin says, plopping his bag on your bed and peering inside, his schoolbag on his back.

Your eyebrows upturn as you notice the redness on one side of his face. "Do you need an ice pack?" You ask softly and Jimin chews his bottom lip, not looking at you. "I'm fine, she barely even hit me."

"We should still treat it. I'll go grab a medical cream and an ice pack, unpack all your clothes and put them in the top drawer over there, I emptied it out for you," You say, nodding to your dresser. Jimin nods, not protesting any further to treatment.

Your heart twinges knowing he's been hurt again. From now on, no one's going to hit him ever again. You don't care if his parents come knocking on your door, you'll gladly take a baseball bat and—

Not that you're willing to commit murder, however, if they do ever show up on your doorstep, you might just. Abusers don't deserve sympathy.

"If that boy shows up at this house one more goddamn ti—"

"Oh, shut up Mingyu. He's staying here for good now, get used to his face," You say, taking an ice pack out of the freezer and looking through a couple cupboards in the downstairs bathroom for a cream.

"Why? Doesn't he have a house of his own?" Mingyu asks in annoyance, sitting a room away in the sitting room. "His family are abusive, there's no way I'm letting him stay with them. I'm taking Mum and Dad's room tonight, so don't go bursting into my room with an airhorn again or you'll wake him instead."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. As long as you guys don't try anything funny," He says and you nod, heading back upstairs with the ice pack and medical cream.

Once you return to the bedroom, Jimin is sitting cross-legged in front of your floor length mirror, peering into your makeup bag curiously. "Want me to do your makeup again?" You chuckle and Jimin looks up at you with large sparkling puppy eyes.

"No, it's okay. I just wanna look at them because you like using them," He says, inspecting a setting powder with interest. "Is this for your eyes?"

You smile, leaving the ice pack and cream on the end of your bed before walking over and taking the powder from him. "Not quite, it's for your face. Now come sit on the bed for a second."

"I thought all makeup was for your face," Jimin frowns and you giggle, putting the setting powder away while he sits on the end of your bed.

You walk over and carefully unscrew the medical cream, squeezing a little onto your fingertip. "Tell me if I'm rubbing it in too hard, okay?" You whisper, brushing his messy hair away from the bruise carefully.

Jimin nods and you dot a bit of cream on the mark. With no negative reaction from him, you dot another bit and then do a little upturned line underneath.

Jimin smiles and his cheeks lift as he looks up at you. "Did you just draw a smiley face?" He asks, tugging on the hem of your shirt playfully. You smile, rubbing it in with your other fingers. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

He merely smiles, looking down again and letting you continue your nursing. You pick up the ice pack and gently press it to his injury, causing him to scrunch up his face. "That's cold."

"Good job stating the obvious, idiot," You mumble and Jimin giggles up at you, his eyes shining in the dim, warm light of your room. You clear your throat and quickly break eye contact, wondering why the hell your heart started beating so fast.

"It's so cold it hurts," Jimin pouts and you cup his other cheek with your hand, holding his face so he can't keep trying to pull away. "I'll only hold it for a couple seconds longer," You mumble, pulling it away for a moment and leaning into him to inspect the bruise.

It's slowly turning from red to purple, which means it's barely even starting to heal. Unbeknownst to you, Jimin's staring quite obviously at your lips, albeit accidentally.

His eyes flicker up to yours for a moment to make sure you're still looking at his cheekbone before returning to your lips. Jimin furrows his brows a little while staring at your lips.

What if he kissed you right now?

f*ckboy - P.JMWhere stories live. Discover now