14 - Doll

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"Want a coffee?"

"No, don't leave," Jimin whines, rubbing his nose against your collarbone. "I'm thirsty though, I always have a hot drink before bed. Come on, let go and I'll make you one too," You say, gently patting the back of his head and trying to sit up.

Unfortunately, Jimin's weight pulls you down again and you sigh, trying to unhook his arms from around you. "You can't cuddle me forever, dumbass," You mumble, trying to pry his hands away from your middle. "I can try," Jimin replies defiantly, tightening his arms around you on purpose.

"So clingy, and for what? Come onn, I wanna get a drink," You say, sitting up against your pillows and swinging your legs out of the bed. Jimin remains clinging to you from behind, wrapping his legs around your waist.

"I'll tell everyone at school you love cuddling me if you don't let go," You threaten, letting your head fall back onto his shoulder for a moment. Jimin hesitates before snuggling his face into your neck again. "Tell them all, I don't care. Just stay here with me."

The last five words cause a flurry of butterflies to break free in your tummy. You burst into a wide smile, looking down and blushing a little. What the hell is he doing to you?

"Shut up...look, you can back hug me when we get to the kitchen, okay?" You offer, cupping your hands over his, which are on your tummy. Jimin thinks for a moment before letting out a little sigh and nodding.

He lets go of you and you get to your feet, brushing your shirt down. You're just wearing baggy sweatpants, but you don't really care. Jimin's already seen you cry and scream because of a horror movie, your fashion sense is probably the least embarrassing thing he knows about you.

You hum a song to yourself as you leave your bedroom, Jimin following you closely, almost like a lost puppy. "Who would've thought the school fuckboy could be so clingy?" You mutter in amusement as Jimin catches your hand in his and pulls you closer to him.

"Is that how you think of me?" Jimin asks with a little pout ad you glance up at him. There's a glint of hurt in his eyes, so you squeeze his hand reassuringly. "I used to. Not so much anymore. Now I think you're an idiot who's bad at coming up with names for cats."

"Chicken is a great name for a cat, you're just tasteless," He says haughtily and you giggle, heading downstairs with him and walking through the sitting room to get to the kitchen. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

You let go of his hand to take a mug out of the cupboard and boil the already full kettle. Jimin scowls and immediately captures you in a back hug. You decide not to remark on it, knowing he does it for a sense of comfort. 

You're not sure why he's so attached to physical affection, but you don't want to question it in case it's a sensitive topic. As much as you think you hate him, you can't help but let him hug you whenever he wants.

As long as he doesn't try to take anything further than cuddling, you don't mind. It's just cuddling, it can be platonic. Yeah, there's no feelings at all, you're just helping your...friend.

"You smell good," Jimin mumbles against your neck and you chuckle at the strange compliment. "Weird compliment, but I'll take it."

"What body wash do you use?" He asks seriously and you can't help but laugh. "I don't know, all I remember it's to do with flowers? Some natural shampoo, I dunno," You shrug, putting all the ingredients for your coffee in the empty mug.

"Weird," Jimin whispers before nuzzling his face back into your neck. You frown at his reaction, lightly elbowing him where you can reach, which is in the side. "What do you mean weird?"

"I don't like flowery scents, but I like you," Jimin explains softly. Your brows furrow and you open your mouth to respond, but he quickly corrects himself. "O–On you, I like it on you."

You close your mouth again, glancing down at him in confusion. You decide to shrug it off, probably a slip of the tongue. "Thanks," You smile, pouring some boiling hot water into the mug and stirring it around. He's so cute.

You wrinkle your nose at your own invasive thoughts. Cute, you never thought you'd use that word to describe Park Jimin.

Jimin is internally cursing despite you finding it cute. How'd he even slip up on his words like that? He's not gonna lift his head out of your neck until his cheeks stop flushing red. Why why why did he say that?

Like you? Obviously, but he didn't fucking want you knowing that! How could he be so stupid? He has an urge to bump his forehead against your shoulder in frustration, but you'd probably question why.

All his experience with girls and yet he messes up and stumbles on his words around you. Did you cast a spell on him, like, witchcraft? Did you give him a love potion to make him act crazy? That's the only plausible explanation to his feelings going haywire.

You don't notice Jimin's inner dilemma, grabbing some milk from the fridge with him glued to your back. You finish making your coffee and sip it contently before waddling out of the kitchen. "Can you let go for a minute till we get upstairs?"

Jimin doesn't hear you at first, too lost in his own thoughts. You repeat yourself and gently knock your head against his, which is on your shoulder. "Hm?" He turns his head to the side a little and admires your side profile while you attempt to walk upstairs. 

"Can you let go for a minute? I'm either gonna fall down the stairs and die or spill the coffee," You say with a small sigh and Jimin smiles at you. "Well, we can't have the coffee spilling, that'd be a tragedy."

You shoot him a glare and he giggles, letting go of you and walking up to the top of the stairs before you do. You carefully walk up, eyes trained on your coffee. Jimin's itching to have you in his arms again, which makes him frown and look away while you catch up.

Why is he so desperate to hug and cuddle you? He's never felt this way before, how's he supposed to know? Girls used to try and cuddle him after sex before he left and he'd always push them away.

Then again, he's not just using you for sex. Sure, his intention in the beginning when he started annoying you was to get you in bed with him, but now? He's not sure anymore.

He doesn't want that anymore. He wants you, but not sexually. It feels weird to be thinking this way, but he's only ever seen the girls at school as yet another sex doll.

You, you're a doll to him alright, but not a sex one. You're a pretty doll that he wants to play with, much like a child would. He does play with you, teasing and messing around whenever he can. He loves your reactions, they making something flip in his stomach.

"You coming or what, loser?"

He looks up at you calling out to him and knits his brows together realizing you've bypassed him and reached your bedroom door. "R–Right, um, sorry," Why'd he stutter? Why'd he apologize? Why on earth do you make him act like such a fool?

"Why are you acting weird? Something on your mind?" You ask curiously, opening the door and walking over to your bed, putting the coffee on the bedside table. Jimin trails in after you, still thinking hard about why his heart is betraying his mind.

"No...not really," He says slowly before closing the door behind himself. You've never heard a worse lie, but you decide not to argue and sit down, grabbing your phone and checking your social media.

"Can I—" Jimin begins, but you immediately open your arms to him. He smiles gratefully before falling into your embrace, his face back in the crook of your neck, his arms around you, laying in between your legs.

You hook your legs around the back of his thighs, gently twisting locks of his soft blond hair around your fingers and resting your head on his. 

Jimin smiles against your skin, closing his eyes and basking in your comforting aura. He's never felt so safe before. 

Now that he's fallen in love with the feeling of you in his arms, he's worried he'll never be able to let go.

A/N :

hola i forget how long its been since i updated but i think its time for another 1

please vote comment follow check out other stories yes i think thats all love u guys byebye

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