5 - Fire Poker

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Your eyes go wide as you reach the bottom of the stairs and hear your sister's voice from the sitting room. She better not be-

You quickly burst in, catching her mid interrogation. "Okay, but do you two have like, a thing? I've never seen her care so much for someone, not even Jungk-Fuck," Hae looks up at you with equally wide eyes. You narrow your eyes at her, putting the cat down and looking around for a weapon.

"Jimin, have you got a weapon on you by any chance?" You ask while checking the umbrella holder for a sharp enough thing to kill her with. Jimin chuckles, dipping some bread in his soup and not looking back at you. "Sorry sweetheart, but I'm not gonna be responsible for you killing someone."

You scowl, deciding to first trap your sister before killing her. She's already gotten to her feet, creeping towards the door to the kitchen, so you tackle her to the ground. "Get off, I was only asking questions!"

"I already told you, we're just friends!" You say scoldingly and she sticks her tongue out at you. "You said it again!" Jimin sings, voice sounding surprisingly good. "Shut up and give me the fire poker before I kick you out."

Jimin immediately gets to his feet and puts down his soup and bread, grabbing the fire poker and throwing it to you. You miraculously catch it, turning to your sister with it pointed at her neck threateningly. Hae sighs, letting her head fall back against the floor. "Just get it over with and kill me, exams are coming up anyways."

You roll your eyes at her, lowering the sword-like poker. Jimin walks up behind you and seizes his chance while your guard is down, slipping his arms under yours and lifting you off of the criminal.

Haeyon scrambles to her feet and escapes, saluting Jimin with a grin and saying, "Adios!", before running upstairs. You scowl, blowing a strand of hair out of your face in annoyance. Jimin places you back on the ground and takes the fire poker from you carefully. "You really have to control those violent urges of yours."

"What was she asking you?" You ask, ignoring his previous statement and following him as he puts the poker away. He shrugs and you slap his arm lightly. "Come on, friends don't keep secrets."

"You've accepted that label now, huh?" He giggles, returning to his place on the sofa and pulling his knees up to his chest, the bowl of soup balancing in between his chest and thighs as he finishes it. "Yes, now tell me already."

"She was just asking me how I knew you, if we were dating, etc. etc-" Jimin begins but you cut him off with an annoyed, "I told her we weren't, for God's sake."

"And I told her we were."

Your eyes go wide and smack him on the back of the head, but he barely feels it through the thick hood. "You fucking what?"

"I'm kidding! For once I denied it, I knew you'd kill me if I didn't," Jimin chuckles, placing the empty bowl of soup back on the table and instead opting to munch on the last bit of bread. "You were right," You huff, sitting back against the cushions and crossing your arms angrily.

Jimin holds some bread out to you and you take a small bite, munching in an angry fashion to display your emotions. He giggles again and you immediately want to smile, but you refrain, just looking at him instead. 

"You look like an angry chipmunk," He gets out and you slap his arm again, breaking into a smile as well. "Coming from the idiot who looks like a baby bear," You tease him back and he snaps his fingers at you, winking, "Yes, but I'm a very cute baby bear!"

You laugh, shaking your head at his antics. "Sure, follow your dreams or whatever. Now that you're finished eating, do you wanna go have a hot shower or something?"

f*ckboy - P.JMUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum