20 - The Baby Project

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"Hi Jiminie," You hum, taking out a copybook and your pencilcase. Jimin falls into the seat next to you, looking thoroughly dishevelled. You glance at him, furrowing your brows at the hickeys staining his previously clear neck.

Oh, right. He had another quickie before class.

You shrug it off, looking back at your copy and doodling on the side of it waiting for the teacher to arrive. Jimin notices your glance, but he becomes a little confused by your reaction.

It's a usual thing for him to have sex in school, it's not like there's a shortage of girls willing to do it with him, but he expected you to react...differently. He thought you would maybe get jealous or confront him, but you're just drawing a corgi on the side of your page, your tongue sticking out in concentration.

It's weird to him. A lot of other times, he's fucked a girl, then gone and fucked another one, and then the first girl would get jealous and confront him about it. As if either of them meant something to him.

The other girls in school don't mean a thing to him, however, you, you mean a lot to him. It might be a terrible thing to feel, but he wanted you to get jealous, he wanted to see you protective over him.

Jimin has to hold back a sigh as his worst suspicion is reinforced. You mean everything to him, and he means nothing to you. He's a roommate to you, a classmate, just someone who wants to hug you every night. You see that as platonic and that's not what he wants.

"Good afternoon class," The teacher suddenly enters and you look up, lips parting slightly as you listen to his introduction. Jimin watches you discreetly, trying to search for any source of jealously in your eyes.

However, you're not focused on him. "Today we'll be beginning a 3–week long assessment, I'm sure many of you are already aware of what it is," Mr Hwang continues, sitting down at his desk and placing a couple folders down.

This catches Jimin's attention and he looks up at him. Without a reaction from the class, he sighs and rolls his eyes at the blank faces. "The Baby Project, guys."

"Shit," You whisper, letting your head fall into your arms. Jimin grimaces at the project, not wanting to do it in the slightest. "Because it's such a long project and so difficult, I'm allowing you all to choose your own—"

Before the teacher can even say the word partner, several girls' heads swivel to look at Jimin. His eyes go wide and he immediately wraps one arm around your shoulders and pulls you into his side. "Sumi's my partner."

There are several groans of annoyance and a lot of whispered swearing, but you just look up in confusion. "Huh? But I wanted to partner with Jungk—"

"Too bad, babe," Jimin mumbles, looking over at the group of girls that were targeting him before nervously. They're all glaring daggers at you, causing you to frown at them. "Great, now all the girls are gonna hate me. Also, get off and don't call me that."

You remove Jimin's arm from your shoulders and scoot away from him, continuing your doodle of a corgi. "What, do you prefer sweetheart?" He asks, somewhat teasing you. You look him dead in the eyes and say, "Yes."

Jimi clears his throat, breaking eye contact and looking down, suddenly very interested in his desk. His cheeks grow hot as you continue to stare at him before looking back at your doodle. He didn't expect your blunt response, it caught him off guard.

"You're going to be given a baby, of course not a real one. It'll be a robotic one, one that simulates the experience of parenthood as much as possible. You'll have to give it attention, feed it and change its diapers."

You sigh at the instructions, directing a glare at Jimin. "Not only do I have to take care of your dumbass, now I have to take care of a stupid baby too."

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