22 - Jealous

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"I'm gonna shake her batteries out," You whisper, shifting your hips from side to side and cracking a couple bones. Jimin groans, trying to mask his natural reaction to your ass pushing against his manhood as annoyance to you having to get up.

You unhook his arms from around you, not noticing his distressed state. You get up, walking over to the makeshift crib that Sook's laying in and shivering from the cold biting at your bare legs. Maybe you should start wearing pyjama bottoms in bed.

You pick her up in your arms, holding her just like Jimin did and rocking her gently. Shockingly, the crying becomes quieter and quieter until the doll's completely silent. Thank God.

You slowly place her back in her bed, jumping in fright at something furry rubbing against your leg. "Snickers," You whisper scoldingly as she climbs up your leg and up your torso. You sigh, returning to the bed with her in your arms. "We have a special guest," You whisper to Jimin, sliding in next to him under the duvet.

Jimin flinches as Snickers' soft white fur tickles his arm before realizing what it is. "As long as I can still cuddle you," He mumbles, voice raspy and sleepy. He pulls you into him again, hoping you don't feel anything pressing against you accidentally.

Luckily, you don't, wrapping your arms around him and nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck. Jimin's hands find their place on the small of your back, Snickers walking up behind you and climbing onto your neck.

You don't react as Snickers lays across your neck and Jimin's shoulder, falling asleep quickly. Jimin doesn't seem to mind either, kissing the top of your head affectionately.

"Goodnight, darling."


"How'd your first night with the tiny demon go?" Jungkook asks, rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out of them. You whimper, collapsing into the seat next to him and resting your head in your arms. "I'm gonna cry Koo."

"I'll cry with you. Mine didn't shut the fuck up till 1 am," He mutters, rubbing your back comfortingly as you hold back tears. "2 am, 3 am, 4 am, 2 minutes past 4 am, 6 am, 7 am, she didn't stop," You cry out and he tuts, wrapping his arms around you in a soothing hug.

You bury your face in his chest, trying your very best not to let your tears fall onto his shirt. "Give her to Jimin today, you need a good night's sleep," Jungkook hums, resting his head on yours and swaying you gently.

"I can't even do that, Jimin-" You begin before cutting yourself off, bumping your forehead against his chest in frustration. "Jimin what?" Jungkook yawns, letting go of you as you slowly move out of his arms.

"I didn't tell you something important," You say seriously and Jungkook frowns at you, eyes half-closed from exhaustion. "What-"

Before he can even finish his sentence, the teacher enters and addresses the class, forcing you to give him a quick apologetic glance before focusing on class. Guess he won't find out till later.



"Do you have to know?" You sigh and he elbows you sharply, causing you to hiss in pain. "Tell me already, I've waited all fucking day," Jungkook whines, walking alongside you as you both leave the school.

"Alright, fine. I can't give the baby off to Jimin because...well, he's...hm," You frown trying to think of how to phrase this without oversharing Jimin's trauma. Jungkook cocks a brow at you condescendingly and you clear your throat.

"Jimin's living with me."


You wince at Jungkook's yell, shushing him desperately as a few students give you weird looks. "Shut up! He's only living with me because his life at home has become too bad," You say quietly and Jungkook stares at you with wide eyes.

"You're...living...with...Jimin..." He repeats slowly and you smack his arm. "Don't say it too loud, and yes, I am," You say, rushing down the front steps to the school and heading towards the gate. "Why?!"

"I told you, his life at ho-" You begin but Jungkook cuts you off quickly. "No no, I mean why would you let him live with you? I thought you hated him," He says, clearly incredibly confused. you chew your bottom lip, unsure of how to answer that.

"He's not as bad as I thought. Don't tell anyone about this and don't mention it to Jimin," You say seriously once you spot Jimin sitting on the short school wall, his back against one of the higher pillars on either side of the gate, smoking.

Jungkook nods, still a little confused but respecting what you want. You look back at Jimin as you approach. He lets his head fall back a bit, closing his eyes and blowing a smoke ring up into the air.

You almost stop dead in your tracks from his side profile, your heart skipping several probably important beats. His nose is the perfect length, his jawline is as sharp as your Maths teacher's tone of voice, his lips are beautifully plump.

"You're staring," Jungkook whispers to you and you shove him in the side. "Shut up, I'm looking at the tree behind him," You say defiantly and Kook laughs loudly at your poor excuse. The laugh attracts Jimin's attention and he looks over, holding his cigarette in between his index and middle finger.

Something inside him sets alight at the sight of you and Jungkook walking together, with him laughing manically and you scowling, a prominent blush on your puffy cheeks. He pushes his tongue onto the inside of his cheek, eyes narrowing at the sight.

He shouldn't feel jealous, he shouldn't, he shouldn't, he shouldn't. So why does he? Why does seeing you having a good time with anyone other than him make him feel angry?

Is that toxic? Why does he want you to himself so bad?

"Hi Jiminie!" You call out, voice sounding faint. Jimin's anger melts away as you raise your hand, waving overdramatically at him. Jungkook says something and you hit his arm, scowling at him. He just giggles at your face.

The annoyance returns immediately and Jimin looks away, not wanting to see Jungkook flirt so blatantly. He might be doing it accidentally, maybe he's not even flirting at all, but it still pisses Jimin off an unimaginable amount.

"Hi sweetheart, hi Jungkook," Jimin says once you finally reach him, making sure to use your favourite nickname, hoping Jungkook gets the message. Of course, he can't just say he wants Jungkook to stay away, you aren't even together. However, Jimin doesn't want Jungkook thinking he has a chance.

"Hey Jimin! Oh, my bus is here, I have to go," Kook says as he notices the bus on the other side of the street. He turns to you with a smile, saluting you with two fingers. "Good luck getting any sleep Sumi."

"I'll try my best, Koo," You grin at him, waving goodbye before returning your attention to Jimin. Unbeknownst to you, Jimin is currently trying to figure out why the fuck Jungkook would say that.

"You good? Come on, we have to get home. We can go into the pet shop too and get a collar for Chicken," You say, walking through the gate and walking back to him, standing by his side and waiting for him to hop off the wall.

"Sumi, do you and Jungkook have something going on together?"

f*ckboy - P.JMWhere stories live. Discover now