8 - Ice Cream

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"Stop trying to bump into me," You mumble, more focused on texting Jungkook. Jimin completely ignores your comment, walking just close enough that his arm bumps into yours.

You look up from your phone at him with narrowed eyes. "I will punch you so hard in the ribcage," You threaten and he bites his lip to hold back his massive smile. "It's about the only place you can reach, doll."

You immediately jump up and smack him on the back of the head. "Fuckwad," You mutter as he massages the injured spot with a pout. You return to texting Jungkook, who's asking why the fuck you're so late.

"Who are you texting?" Jimin asks curiously, trying to peek at your phone. You shove him away immediately, an annoyed scowl plastered on your face. "Would you stop being so fucking nosy?"

"Jungkook, huh? What's with you two?" He asks, nudging your shoulder gently. You frown up at him in confusion. "What do you mean?" You ask, knitting your brows together. Jimin sighs, looking away at the road while you two walk together.

"You're really close. Hell, the first thing your sister said to me was, "You're not Jungkook," is there something going on with you two?" Jimin asks condescendingly, looking at you with a small pout.

You immediately scrunch up your face in disgust, shaking your head quickly. "God no! I have standards. Besides, Jungkook and I are so close that it'd be weird to do anything together," You say, shuddering from the thought.

"Weird," Jimin repeats thoughtfully and you glance up at him with one raised eyebrow. "You good? Don't think too much, it might hurt your tiny brain," You say with an amused smile and Jimin's thoughtful expression morphs into a scowl. 

"Shut up. If you Jungkook are so close, why was your sister saying you wouldn't do for him what you did for me?" Jimin asks, seemingly eager to hear your answer. You don't meet his eyes, suddenly very interested in the ground beneath you.

"I don't know what you're talking about," You mumble, cheeks flushing hot again. You can't think of a single valid excuse for doing what you did for him. "Yes you do. You helped me even though you apparently hate me-"

"I do. Don't get that wrong, I hate you," You interrupt and Jimin breaks into a smile, ruffling your hair playfully. You slap away his hand, flattening down the hair on the top of your head with a sigh. "Of course you do, that's why you took care of me twice yesterday."

"Okay, the first time it was because I accidentally smacked you upside the head with a ball, and the other was because you were freezing to death on the street. I'd be cruel to not help you," You say, walking up the steps to the school entrance with him slowly despite being a little late.

"Mm, because you're just the kindest person in the world," He says sarcastically as another gust of wind flies by you, messing up both your hair and his. You stop at the front school wall where there's a bench, climbing up on it carefully and standing there.

Jimin looks up at you with slightly parted lips and furrowed brows. "What on earth are y-" He begins, but you lean down and pull him closer by his loosely done tie. You managed to steal your brother's old uniform from when he went to your school, luckily he still had it. He's missing the blazer, so you gave him a black zip up hoodie so he wouldn't freeze after all you went through the night before to prevent that.

"Your tie's falling apart and your hair's messy, stay still," You say firmly, retying his tie tighter around his neck, having to stand on the bench to reach around his neck and head easily. "Don't choke me," Jimin mumbles and you roll your eyes, loosening it a tiny bit. You do up a couple more buttons of his white button up shirt, then begin fixing his hair.

f*ckboy - P.JMWhere stories live. Discover now