Don't Pass Me By

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Chapter 12: Don't Pass Me By

I was just laying in my bedroom. I couldn't express how exhausted I felt and how much pain I was going through. As much as I wanted to get up and do something with the kids I had no energy to do so. Since everything started I've relied so much on Paul, I hated having to put him through this again. Other than Paul being by my side George has as well as Mike. Ritchie hasn't came around to see me much, maybe once or twice, but he never stayed long..

"Pam, how're you feeling? How about I get the kids and Martha ready and we'll go for a ride around town for a bit?"

I shook my head and looked at him. "I'm just so tired. I'm sorry big brother."

He nodded and sat on the edge of the bed. "That's alright. Just rest, I know you need it."

Giving him a smile I curled up and started to fall asleep. Soon after I heard Paul quietly walk out and go downstairs.

After sleeping for a few hours I felt myself being taken over by more pain than usual. In attempt to try and sleep I couldn't help but let out small cries from the pain. Soon Paul was upstairs sitting right next to me.

"Shh you're okay. C'mon Pam just relax."

I continued to struggle with the pain, it becoming worse as the minutes went on. After sitting with me for a few minutes Paul got up and went to the stairs.

"Mike, you need to get up here now."

Mike soon came up with the kids, setting the twins on the chair and having Zak stand by them.

"What's wrong? Has she gotten worse?"

"Mike I-I don't think she's goin' to last much longer.."

I could barely hear them speak as I struggled. Paul leaned over and looked at me.

"Pam, I don't know if you can hear me, but I need you to know that you're the best sister that I could have ever asked for. I know we may have fought occasionally, but no matter what we always got along in the end. You're the greatest mother to my niece and nephews and I promise to be there for them.." He started crying a bit more than before, struggling to get the next sentence out. "A-And you aren't just my twin sister, but also my best friend. I know you'll always be there for me and I'm glad I could there for you.."

Soon I felt myself slowly fading, not being able to handle the pain anymore. Slowly my eyes began to close as everything went dark.

"Pam! Oh my god, Paul.."

"Mummy! Mummy up!"

"Little sis please.."

"PAM! Pam! Wake up!"

Quickly I sat up, looking around me to see Paul standing there.

"W-What happened?"

"You were letting out whimpers of pain for almost 10 minutes now, are you alright?"

I shook my head and sighed. "I'm sorry..I had a nightmare again. It's of me laying in bed and you, Mike and the kids standing here as I slowly die from the cancer.."

Small tears began to form in my brother's eyes as he sat next to me. "Listen to me. The results haven't come in yet, but when they do and if they are positive I will promise you you'll get the best treatments. We won't lose you."

I nodded and hugged him tightly. Pulling away I wiped the tears from his eyes. "Thank you so much Paul, for everything."

He smiled and stood up. "You're welcome little sis. Now I'm going over to John's, will you be alright here?"

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