Love You To

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Chapter 22: Love You To

11 November 1968

About a month and a half ago Ritchie, the kids and I had come back home from our break from the lads. We enjoyed our family vacation, but Ritchie was glad to go back to the band.

I was surprised to find out that Paul and Kate had gotten engaged while we were gone. Though I wish I could have been here when it happened, I was more than thrilled for my brother. And I loved Kate to death, I couldn't wait to have her as my sister-in-law.

The kids and I were now on our way home from running errands. I decided to stop by the studio to see if the lads needed anything, they were having a long day to finish something for their new album.

Once I pulled into Abbey Road I got the kids out of the car and we made our way inside.

"Hello lads."

Zak and the twins ran over to Ritchie and Paul.

"Pammy! And my little niece and nephews! What are you doing here?" Paul asked as he pulled the twins up into a hug.

"We were on our way home so I thought we'd stop by and see you all needed anything. I can pick you up lunch or something from town if you'd like."

"We're doing fine. Grace just dropped off some sandwiches and such." George said as he picked up Zak. "We haven't seen you much since you got back. I swear the kids look so much older."

"I can't believe how are they are. I still see them as my little babies."

My brother then turned to John. "Lennon, don't you have something to say to my sister?"

John shot him back this confused look before George shoved him lightly.

"Oh yeah. Pam, I'm sorry for punching you..if it makes you feel any better I imagined it being your brother when I did it."

"That's alright John..I accept your apology.."

That's when Bri walked in, giving us all a strange look.

"Oh hello lads.. John I thought we were recording today."

John walked over to her. "That's next week Bri. We have to finish getting this album finished first. You and I will get recording done soon, I promise."

I turned and looked at her. "Recording? You and John started writing and singing together?"

"We did. You sound surprised. Is it that shocking to hear?" She said in this somewhat sassy tone.

"No, no. I don't mean it in a bad way. I am surprised, yes. So much happened while we were gone."

Ritchie nodded and spoke lightly. "You're telling me."

That's when all the lads shot a look at him. You could just feel the hostility in the room this whole time.

"And here's another bird!" John exclaimed as he put down his guitar.

We all looked over to see that Kate had walked in.

"Kate, love, what are you doing here?" Paul said as he walked over and kissed her.

"Well I'm supposed to get lunch with Pam and the kids, I saw her car so I just came over. Am I intruding?"

"No, of course not. Everyone's here."

"Yes they are, but we have recording to do so I think you birds and kids need to go." John said as he gestured to the door.

Bri nodded, kissed John and quickly walked out. What's gotten into her?

I went over and picked up James and Cadence. "We're sorry for bothering you all. Good luck with getting things done."

Ritchie walked over and gave me a light kiss before going back over to his drums. "Bye love, bye little ones."

"Bye daddy!"

Paul and Kate said their goodbye and Zak went over and tugged on her skirt.

"Auntie Kate, you comin with us?"

She nodded and picked him up. "I am! Now let's let your dad and uncles finish."

With that we all left and went to our house. I made us all lunch and put the kids down for their naps. One those three were out, Kate and I sat in the living room, drank tea and caught up.

"We've all been so busy since we got back I didn't even get a chance to ask, do you and Paul have any ideas on when you want to get married? I'm still so thrilled my big brother is settling down." I said with a smile.

"We're thinking January. I was afraid it'd be be too soon, but he told me how you and Ringo got engaged and married within two months, so that relieved me a bit."

"We did. Brian didn't want us to wait much longer since I was expecting Zak."

Kate smiled and looked over at a picture on the mantle of Ritchie, the kids and I. "I hope Paul and I have a good marriage like you and Ringo. I mean you have a handsome husband, beautiful kids."

"Thank you..I couldn't imagine my life being any differently. I've been so blessed with the four of them. And I know you two will. I've seen my brother date other girls, but I've never seen him look at one the way he looks at you. And I'm more than thrilled to have you be me sister-in-law."

Kate smiled, took a sip of her tea and looked at me.

"If we're being honest here, the moment you walked into the doctor's office and I saw Paul with you I couldn't get him out of my head. I know it probably wasn't under the best circumstances of meeting since you were sick and all..but I'm so glad he came with you."

I giggled lightly, thinking back to when we first met. "That day we met, after Paul and I left he kept talking about you. He insisted on taking me to my next appointment so he could see you again."

Kate just smiled as her face went red.

"I know it may be soon to ask, but have you two thought about kids at all?"

She gave me a smile and nodded. "It's not too soon at all, we actually talked about that for a while last week. We want kids sometime soon hopefully. We both decided we want 2, hopefully one each."

"I know when the time comes your children will be beautiful and that you and my brother will be great parents. You're both so good with my kids, so I know you'll be amazing with your own."

"Thank you Pam, really."

With that the two of us chatted late into the day. After dinner I took Kate back home and played with the kids for a while until it was time for bed. Ritchie was still at the studio, so I curled up on the couch to wait for him.

I still couldn't help but think about how much had really changed since we had gotten back. The only question now-- what else is going to change?

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