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Epilogue: Present Day

14 February 2017

Once again it was Valentine's Day.
We decided to combine our anniversary and Valentine's Day and have a quiet, romantic day at home together.

Ritchie had surprised me this morning with breakfast in bed, then the two of us made lunch together and now we were just relaxing on the couch.

"I can't believe we've been married for 52 years.." I said as I played with the wedding ring on his finger.

"And this is our 55th Valentine's Day together. We've been together for so long."

"We have. Well, we have the day to do anything we want. What do you want to do love?"

"For old times sake, why don't we go through our photo album?"

Nodding and got up, grabbing out photo album from the bookshelf and sitting back down with me. I laid back, leaning my head on his chest and opened up the book.

The first page was photos of myself, Paul, Kate and some of the other members of Paul's band Wings.

"Remember when you were off running around with Paul when you two were in Wings?"

"I miss the Wings years. The kids loved traveling with Kate and their cousins. Also it was great to finally embrace my music talent."

The next was of us, Keith Moon ad the rest of The Who at the London premiere of their movie Tommy.

"Ahh Moonie and the other lads. That was such an interesting night."

I let out a small laugh and looked more at the photos. "Anything with Keith was interesting. I miss that lad.."

Ritchie sighed and nodded.

"So do I. He was so young.."

He then flipped to the next page which was photos of the kids and Ritchie visiting me in the hospital.

"Oh gosh, I remember this.."

Kate and I had gotten into a car accident right before Paul and I'd 35th birthday. A drunk driver swerved into our lane and hit us.
The kids still wanted to celebrate my birthday, so Ritchie had brought the kids and we celebrated in my hospital room.

"That was when Kate and I had gotten into the crash.."

"I still can't stand that drunken idiot for swerving into your lane. Paul and I were furious. When we got the call saying you were in a crash and when we got to the hospital and told you were both in critical condition we were both shaken. That was one of the scariest times of our lives..I was afraid I was going to lose you."

I held his hand and kissed it lightly.

"I'm sorry we had to go through that..but at least after a couple weeks Kate and I made it out of the hospital."

The following page had a picture of the two of us, Brianna and John in New York. It was taken about a month before John was killed.

I looked down and wiped the tears that were forming in my eyes. "Oh John..he left us too soon.."

"I miss him everyday.. That was such a shock to all of us. I still can't believe that someone did that to him.."

"Neither can I.. John was full of so much love and peace and wisdom.."

The next was one of he and I when we filmed music videos for two of his songs.

"Remember when we filmed The Cooler with Paul and Kate?"

"That was probably one of my favorite things we did. You were such a handsome little prisoner."

"And you were a very sexy guard.." He said with a smirk as he kissed me.

Also on that page were pictures from when we were filming Paul's movie Give My Regards to Broad Street.

We continued on and saw pictures of the day our little Cadence got married.

"I remember this day so well.. One of my favorite pictures is of you walking her down the isle. You cried like a baby during the reception."

He gave a small grin and shook his head. "You knew how badly I wanted us to have a girl. That day it was so hard for me to accept that my baby girl was growing up."

Then there were ones of Ritchie and the lads from his band; Ringo Starr and His All-Starr Band when they were on tour.

"We were just there not too long ago for one of your shows last summer weren't we?" I asked him, looking at the photo closer.

"We were. We've been a lot of places, too many to remember."

Next we saw a picture of Ritchie, myself, George and Paul not long before George passed.

"George.. Another one taken too soon." I said sighing.

Ritchie gave a nod and looked at me.

"I love your brother and John, but George and I were always so close between the four of us. When he passed I felt so much pain.."

"I know baby..but at least he's not in pain or suffering anymore.."

Then there was photos of us, the kids, grandkids, and Paul, Kate, their children and grandkids.

"Then there was the annual McCartney-Starkey family reunion at Paul's ranch in Arizona."

"Always one of the things I look forward to every year. I think James and Claire were expecting Mia at the reunion, right?"

I nodded lightly and flipped the page, pointing lightly at the next photo.

"They were. She was born a month later. Remember they were over for a visit when Claire's water broke? We had to watch JJ and Ethan."

"Now I remember." He gave a small nod and turned to the next page which had pictures of us and the grandkids. "Our six beautiful grandchildren.. We're so fortunate to have them."

"They're so much like their parents.. Especially Aidan. He looks just like Zak did at his age. Both of them look so much like you."

The last photo was of the two of us on Ritchie's tour last year. I smiled widely, closing the album and turning to him.

"It's been 52 years and everyday with you is still an adventure."

He smiled, kissed me deeply and held my hand.

"I love you Pam.."

"I love you too Ritchie.."

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