We Can Work It Out

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Chapter 21: We Can Work It Out

Hi everyone. For those of you who are still reading, thank you. I would love to hear from you if you are reading this. I'm so sorry I haven't updated this story in months. My first year at uni wasn't at all what I expected, things were rough on me. I've been depressed and I lost myself the last few months. I'm still trying to find myself, but I decided to get back to writing to try and help. I think I may end this story soon, I have 5 or so more chapters left. I want to start writing something new. For now I hope you like this chapter. I'm sorry if it's short, I'm running out of ideas. If anyone has ideas please feel free to share! Thank you again for the readers who have stayed with me this whole time! I love you guys. <3


1 Sept 1968

Since the whole argument with the lads Ritchie, the kids and I flew down to the Mediterranean to stay on Peter Sellers's yacht. We've been having a wonderful time down here, finally having some family time. Ritchie's been doing rather well, much to my surprise. He's hardly said a word about the others or what happened.

Other than the wonderful time we've been having here, today we get to celebrate Zak's third birthday. It's so hard to believe he's three already! He's so excited it's his birthday, he's been bouncing off the walls..

"Mummy! Mummy!"

"What is it Zaky?"

He giggled and held up three fingers.

"Mummy I'm 3!"

I smiled and picked him up, kissing his forehead.

"Yes you are, little man. Are you ready for your party later?"

He nodded excitedly and looked over at the twins as they walked into the room.

"Jamie, Cady! Let's play!"

I set him down as he ran over to them and the three of them ran over to their pile of toys. I sat down watching them for a while until Ritchie walked in and came up behind me.

"Hello love."

"Hi baby."

He came and sat next to me.

"How are the little ones? Is Zak ready for his party?"

I nodded and smiled.

"Yes, he very excited."

That's when Zak got up and walked over to us.

"Party time?"

Ritchie shook his head and ruffled Zak's hair.

"Not yet buddy, it'll be time soon."

He frowned lightly, looked at the twins then at us.

"Mummy, Daddy. Why Jamie and Cady look same?"

"They're twins, kiddo. That means they look the same and were born on the same day."

Ritchie nodded and picked up Zak.

"They're like Mummy and Uncle Paul, they're twins too."

He looked at us slightly confused.

"I no twin?"

I shook my head.

"No kiddo. Mummy just has you, Jamie and Cady."

"But why Jamie and Cady twins?"

"Because Mummy had two babies."

"Why Mummy has two baby?"

Ritchie looked at me, struggling to figure out what to say.

"Because Mummy was special and ended up having two. Now why don't you go back and play with your brother and sister?"

He nodded as Ritchie sat him back down and he ran over to the twins. Both of us looked at each other and let out a sigh of relief.

"I still can't believe how big he is.. Feels like only yesterday you had him."

"Our little man is growing up, as are the twins."

Soon the five of us along with Peter and his wife had a little celebration for Zak's birthday. My little man was very happy with all of his toys.

"Mummy. When we see Unca Paulie? I miss him.."

Ritchie just looked at me, rolling his eyes lightly after hearing my brother's name.

"We'll see him once we get home, buddy. I know he misses you too."

I smiled lightly as I got up and began cleaning up the wrapping paper. Peter had gotten up to go use the restroom and came back with a piece of paper in hand.

"Starr, a telegram just came in for you."

Ritchie looked at him confused and took the telegram from him.

"I don't know who it would be from..but thanks Pete."

With that he took the telegram and read it. I saw his eyes light up and I could see the look of happiness in him that I haven't seen from him for a while now. I could tell it was from the lads.

"It's from the lads.. They said 'You're the best rock'n'roll drummer in the world. Come on home, we love you.' They want me back.."

"Oh love, this is great. I knew they'd want you back."

I hugged him tightly and kissed him deeply.

"You really are the greatest drummer in rock'n'roll history..I've always known you were.."

"Thank you, Pam.. I love you so much.. We should get packing, I think we should head back soon. This has been a fantastic getaway, Pete, thank you again mate."

"Of course, Ringo, mate. It's been wonderful spending time with you and the family. You know you can use this anytime you need."

Ritchie smiled and got up as he went into our room and began to pack our things. I went and did the same with the kids' suitcases. And with that we were soon on our way.

Later that night we were on the plane heading back home. I still couldn't believe how much happier Ritchie was after hearing from the lads. All I can hope for now is that it's all smooth sailing again from here.

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