Mother Nature's Son

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Chapter 5: Mother Nature's Son

9 Oct 1966

Well, today's the day; baby Dallas should be born today. Today is also John's 26th birthday, so it'd be perfect if the baby came. Bri and John couldn't be more excited for him to come. All John's been talking about is 'Oh, my little man's gonna be here soon. I can't wait till another little sarcastic mouth to be in the family.' He's becoming such a softy, though he won't admit that.

Other than baby Dallas being due today I'm now about 4 months along. Ritchie and I went to one of my appointments recently and found out that we're having a boy and a girl. Oh when Ritchie heard that we're having a girl he was so excited. I'm pretty happy about what we're having as well, but it reminds me so much of my mum. Dad gave me a box of mine and Paul's old toys, clothes and such to use with the twins if I wanted. I can't help but wonder what Mum would do if she was still here.

Anyway, today we were just relaxing around the house. We knew we'd most likely get a phone call from John saying that Dallas was coming, so we had to be ready. Ritchie was outside playing with Zak while I was in the house in our newly painted nursery for the twins. Ritchie hired painters to come in and do the nursery, he chose how to have it done and made it a surprise to me. Actually I was pleased with how it came out; it's half pink and half blue, right down the middle and both sides are all decorated for each of them. It's honestly the cutest thing I've seen. I was unloading some supplies and such we had bought for them. Once I had that taken care of I went to our bedroom and got out old photo albums. I searched and searched until I found a picture of Elsie with Ritchie when he was a baby and then one of my Mum, Dad and Paul and I when we were born. Once I found those I went downstairs and got the picture frame I just bought. There's three individual frames connected together. I plan on putting the one of Ritchie and Elsie on one side, the one of my parents, Paul and I on the other and then one of Ritchie, Zak, myself and the twins when they're born in the middle.

Once I got the frame out I had to go into the garage to get the other boxes we brought in..and of course Ritchie puts them up on the top shelves.. Really? I went over, grabbed the small latter and attempted to climb up.

"Julianna Pamela Starkey! Get down from their right now."

I turned around to see Ritchie as he rushed over to me, holding my back as I slowly climbed down.

"Love, what were you thinking? You have to be careful."

"I'm getting the nursery ready and someone put everything up there."

He smiled lightly as he climbed up the latter and grabbed the boxes. "See? I got that, love. I'm sorry for putting them up there."

I smiled as we brought the boxes into the house and set them down. I began to open the one when Ritchie wrapped his arms around me. "You know, we should just relax and start thinking of names."

"We have so much time to decide names for them..but relaxing does sound nice."

He sat on the couch as he grabbed my hand and pulled me down next to him. Little Zak was already sitting there as I pulled him on my lap. "Hello little boy, did you and daddy have fun playing outside?"

He looked at me as he giggled and babbled a bit. "Dada."

"Yes, Dada. Who's my smart little boy?" I kissed him lightly.

"He's getting so big."

"He looks more and more like you everyday."

Ritchie smiled as he wrapped his arms around me and placed a hand lightly on my stomach. "You know love, since we'll have three little ones to take care of. And since I'll be with the lads at the studio I was thinking maybe we should get a nanny. Just someone else to help you out around here."

I looked at him, we had this talk before Zak was born, I told him no. What makes him think that'd I'd change my mind? "Ritch, I don't know. I mean I was fine with Zak. Anyway, I don't want another woman here raising my children. I wanted more children, I can handle everything on my own."

"They wouldn't be raising the kids, they'd just be helpin' out. Come on, Pam. Two newborns and a one and a half year old will be a lot for you to handle."

I sighed as I looked down at Zak who was laying down with his head rested on my stomach. I ran my fingers through his hair and then over my stomach. Having three little ones to take care of would be a lot to handle, but I knew I could do it. "I don't know Ritchie, I really don't.."

All he did was nod, he could tell I was getting upset over this.

The three of us just sat there for a while. Zak had fallen asleep and I was slowly doing the same. It was great, with the lads being constantly at the studio or touring we didn't get to have that many family moments like this. At least an hour must have gone by until the phone rang.

Ritchie leaned over and picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Rings! Guess what! Bri had the baby! Oh he's the cutest thing, looks just like me. Get your family and get over here."

I smiled widely as I heard the loud, excited voice of John on the other end. I'm so happy for them. When we were young Bri always said that she wanted both a boy and a girl.

"Congrats Johnnyboy. We'll be over in a bit, the baby's sleeping."

"Alright Rings. I have to go, see you lot soon."

And with that they both hung up. Ritchie turned and looked at me. "I'm guessing you heard?"

I nodded. "I did, good for them."

"Once Zak wakes up we'll head over."

As soon as he said that Zak woke up. He sat up and looked up at me.

"You're awake. Did you enjoy your nappy?" I picked him up as I kissed him. "We're gonna go see Uncle Johnny, Auntie Bri, Rydel and your new cousin."

He smiled as he babbled a bit. I stood up as I held him, resting him on my hip. "Shall we get going?"

Ritchie nodded. From there we got our coats and such on, got into the car and drove over to the hospital. Of course once we arrived there the paps were everywhere. I held tightly onto Zak as we made our way through the sea of paps and into the hospital.

"I swear it gets worse every time."

Ritchie nodded and the three of us made it up to Bri's room. We knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in!"

We opened the door and walked in. John was sitting next to Bri with Rydel on his lap. My brother was in there as well as George. I looked over to see Bri holding little Dallas in her arms.

"Oh Bri, he's the cutest thing. Looks a lot like John. Congrats you two."

She smiled as she looked over at us. "Thanks Pam. Oh he's everything we imagined."

"And in years to come he'll start to become witty and sarcastic like his Mum and Dad. Oh yes we will."

We all laughed lightly at John's comment. Oh dear lord, both Rydel and Dallas will be just like their parents when they grow up.

"I'm still so happy for you two. He's so precious."

They both smiled. "Thank you. Only a few more months till your two are here."

Ritchie smiled as he lightly rubbed my stomach. "We still have a lot of time left with them, Mummy and Daddy still need to get ready."

"Oh yes we do, I'm still getting used to the thought of having two in there instead of one. I'm going to be huge."

Bri let out a small laugh. "Aye you won't be that big, hopefully."

I nodded and smiled a bit. We all sat around and talked for a while until the rest of us let the new family have some time alone. George left first, then Paul, followed my the three of us.

The whole car ride home I just kept thinking. I couldn't get over how much baby Dallas looked like his father already. It made me wonder if the twins will look more like Ritchie or myself. Oh, well we have months till that. Only a few months till my little girl and my little boy are here.

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