Hold Me Tight

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Chapter 18: Hold Me Tight

12 March 1968

Well, it's officially been a year since I gave birth to the twins. It was really hard thinking that my babies were already a year old. Where has the time gone? Since Ritchie and I had come home and the rest of the Beatle clan was still in India we finally had time, just the five of us.

We had spoken to my dad once we first arrived in India and he offered to let us stay at his house back home while he, Angie and Ruthie went on a small vacation. So, we all packed our bags and went to enjoy a nice, relaxing week back home.

"Mummy! Jamie and Cady up from nappy."

I turned from the cakes I was baking for the twins and looked at Zak.

"Thank you, little man. Why don't you go tell Daddy for me? Ask if he'll bring them downstairs."

He gave a little nod before running off to the other room to get Ritchie. I turned back to the kitchen counter and continued to ice the cakes I made. I had two small, circular cakes for both of the twins to enjoy and then a regular one for Ritch, Zak and I.

Soon I heard Zak's little feet running towards me again, as well as Ritchie's as he brought the twins down from their nap.

"It smells good in here, love. I can tell you've been busy."

I smiled and watched Ritchie set the twins in their high chairs, the two of them too amused by their toys to pay attention.

"Thank you, I just finished their birthday cakes. I can't believe my little ones are officially a year old."

"It feels like only yesterday we saw them for the first time.."

I gave a wide smile before going to get my camera. Ritchie placed the two little cakes in front of them.

"Okay, now smile for Mummy. Smile kiddos."

The two of them looked up at me then stuck their hands into the cake. Soon both of them started digging into their cakes and ate them. I continued to take pictures of them as Zak tugged onto my dress.

"Mummy..I get too?"

"Of course, Zaky. Let Mummy set her camera down."

Ritchie stood up and went over to the other cake.

"I got it, love. You enjoy taking pictures of the kids."

I smiled and continued taking pictures of the twins. James picked up a piece of cake and held it towards me.

"Do you want me to have some?"

He giggled and shook the cake in front of me. I leaned in as he rubbed the cake all over my face.

"Now that is the perfect moment for a picture."

Ritchie picked up the camera and took pictures as James kept attempting to feed me cake.

"That's enough, baby boy, just enjoy your cake. Mummy all done."


He smiled and went back to eating his cake. I looked over at Ritchie who was trying to hold in his laughter.

"Love, I think you got a little something there.."

"Yeah, I know.."

"Hey Daddy.."

Ritchie turned around to look at Zak, right as he turned Zak took a piece of cake and smashed it all over Ritchie face before running over and hiding behind the twins' high chairs. Ritchie wiped the cake away from his eyes before turning to us. I couldn't help but laugh by the whole thing.

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