Tomorrow Never Knows

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Chapter 16: Tomorrow Never Knows

3 Dec 1967

It's been about a few month since I came home from New York. I couldn't express how happy I was to be home. I was rather sore after my surgery which was expected. Once a week I had to go to Doctor Kingston for a check-up. I was completely clear of any more lumps or anything that could be cancerous which was the greatest feeling in the world. And I know it relieved my brother and Ritchie as well.

As for the lads, back in September they went on the road and filmed their movie 'Magical Mystery Tour.' It was different than their past few films..very different..but I guess if they're happy with it I am too.

The happiness of filming the movie only lasted temporarily.. Mid-October at the New London Synagogue in St. John's Wood we went to a memorial service in memory of Brian. It was really hard for all of us to truly realise he's gone..

Now, other than all of that, Ritchie is leaving to go be in the new film called 'Candy.' I don't know much about it, all I know is that I hate seeing my love have to leave..

"Babe, do you really have to leave?"

Ritchie continued to pack his suitcase as he looked over at me.

"Love, it's only fer a bit.. And it gives me a chance to do something on my own away from the lads."

"I just hate seeing you leave.."

Letting out a sigh he sat on the bed and pulled me into his lap.

"Pam, I'll only be gone for a little while.."

"I know.. I'm just.. Ye can't blame me, I mean we just got back ta being happy again after everything.. It's hard for me.."

"I don't blame ye at all.. You're a talented actor and I'm proud of you. It's just the past few months have been a lot for us, but nothing will come between us again.."

He kissed me lightly, pulling me closer to him. I slowly wrapped my arms around him until I heard the sound of small footsteps.

"Mummy! Jamie cry!"

I pulled away from Ritchie, getting up and picking up Zak.

"Thank you, Zaky."

Ritchie then got up and came to us.

"Zak, remember it's James, not Jamie. No Jamie."

Zak shook his head and giggled.


Ritchie shook his head as he smiled and took Zak from me as I went to the nursery. Picking up James I rocked him slowly. Seeing that he wasn't calming down I sat on the rocking chair and fed him. He latched himself onto my breast and began to feed. Once he was finished I burped him and laid him back into his crib. Soon he started to fall back asleep until little Zak came running in..

"We go with Daddy!"

"Zak Nicholas! Shh! The twins are sleeping."

He then went to each of their cribs and jumped up and down.

"Jamie up! Cady up! We go!"

That's when the two of them woke up and began to cry. Seeing them both cry Zak began to cry also. I quickly picked up the twins and started to rock them as Zak grabbed onto my leg and continued to cry.

"Hey hey.. What's going on?"

Ritchie walked in, picking up Zak.

"We go with Daddy? Can you explain that?"

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