It Won't Be Long

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Chapter 3: It Won't Be Long

3 July 1966

It was just a relaxing day at home, probably the first relaxing day I've had for a little while now. The lads left at the end of June for their tour of Germany, Japan and the Philippines; it wasn't a long tour for once, they'd s home by Ritchie's birthday hopefully. While they've been gone I've been keeping myself busy. Zak's just getting over being sick; it honestly breaks my heart to see him like that. It worries Ritchie and I, seeing how sick he was as a child makes us wonder if it'll happen to Zak. But so far so good, it was just a few days.

With him slowly getting better I decided to take him and go up to Scotland. Oh, I forgot to mention, for our birthday Paul and I decided to buy some land up in Scotland. High Park Farm, all 183 acres of it. Call us crazy, I know, but it was a smart move on our part. The land is near Campbeltown, Kintyre. Since he and I were teens we always talked about buying some land in the country. Now especially with Beatlemaina it's our own little escape from it all.

Today Bri and Rydel are coming over. At the moment she's now about 5 months long with a little boy. Right before the lads left she and John found out the gender; I'm happy for them.

Zak was sitting playing with his toys and I say there watching him as we waited for those two to arrive. Not long after I heard a knock at the door before it opened.

"We're here!"

I smiled as I turned around to see both of them. "Hi, come in! Make yourself at home as always."

As soon as I said that Rydel ran over to me. "Pammy!"

I smiled at her. "'Ello little one!"

She smiled at me before running over to play with Zak. Bri came over and sat next to me."

"So, how are you and your little one doing?"

She smiled as he rubbed her stomach lightly. "We're doing well. I honestly can't wait till he's here, I can already see him being just like John."

I let out a small laugh. "Oh, I bet he will be."

She looked at me. "You and Rings plan on having more kids? I bet you two will have a big family, but you're probably going wait a while till Zak's older."

"Oh, Bri, actually.."

"I mean, he's only ten months now. John and I waited till Rydel was over 1 to talk about more kids."

"About that.."

"And another fact, you two took a while before you settled down. You were dating for what? 3 years? 3 bloody years till he finally popped the question and you found out you were pregnant."

Oh, I swear I'm never going go get to talk.

"Seeing how that went you two probably would wait a while."

No, not really.

"So, you two will probably wait till Zak's like 1 1/2 or 2, right?"

I looked back at her. "May I speak now?"

She nodded. "Oh, yeah, you could have popped in any time there."

I rolled my eyes before looking at the kids then back at her. "Actually, I just found out a few days ago. I'm pregnant again."

Her eyes widened and she gave me a smile. "Oh congrats! That's great for you and Ringo. And for Zak so he and his little brother or sister will be close in age. How did Ringo react when you told him?"

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