She's Leaving Home

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Chapter 10: She's Leaving Home

21 June 1967

It was another rough night last night; the twins were up crying for most of it and of course Ritchie didn't get up to help me. I don't get why he's so distant lately, he's been like that since we had our talk after the Sgt. Pepper launch party, which didn't go that bad.

Today my dad is taking the kids for us. I'm kind of glad, because it'll give me an opportunity to talk to Ritchie. I attempted to get the three of them ready on my didn't work well. Both of the twins needed a change and Zak was hungry.

"Ritch, can you come help me with the kids please?"

"I'm busy."

"Love, I really need help. Please?"

There was no answer. I rolled my eyes and changed the twins's diapers, on my own. I went and got Zak a snack, on my own. I do everything lately on my own. Once I was finished I set the twins in their cribs and Zak on the ground with his toys. I then went to mine and Ritchie's room to find him laying on the bed.

"So you're busy?"

"I'm tired."

I rolled my eyes at him. "My dad's coming over soon, can you get up?"

He stood up, walked right past me and went downstairs. I followed him, going into the nursery to get the kids and went downstairs. I sat the three of them down along with their bags. Oh how I just want to be alone with Ritchie right now.

I turned around to see him leaning on the kitchen counter with lit cigarette in his hand. Once Zak was born we both agreed that we'd only smoke outside or in the garage. I walked over to him, grabbing the cigarette and putting it out before throwing it away.

He quickly turned to me and shot me a glare. "What was that for?! I was enjoyin' a smoke."

"We agreed not to smoke in the house. The kids are right over there."

He went to grab the other one out of his pocket. Quickly snatching it front him I threw it into the garbage.

"Pam, what the hell?!"

"Richard, don't talk like that around the children."

With that we heard a knock on the door. I walked away from Ritchie, went over to the door and opened it.

"Hi Daddy."

My father smiled and walked in. "Hello baby girl. How're my grandkids?"

Zak looked over at my dad and ran over to him. "Papa!"

"Hello little one." My dad picked him up. I smiled at them and went over to get the twins.

My dad set Zak down and looked at me. "Oh my, they're getting so big. They look more and more like you and your brother." He took the two of them from me and also their diaper bag. "I'll bring them back later on. I know that you two haven't had much time alone since the twins were born."

Ritchie walked over towards us. "Oh Jim, that'd be great. This really helps us out. Thank you."

"Of course, Richard. I'm glad I could help." He then looked down at Zak. "Tell Mummy and Daddy goodbye."

"Bye bye!"

"Bye baby boy. Have fun with grandpa." I kissed his forehead and the then the twins. "Love you kiddos."

Ritchie smiled. "Bye little man, be good."

And with that my dad left with the kids.

"Okay, so would you like to tell me the reason you feel the need to be so distant lately? When it's just us you treat me like a maid around here, but if someone like my dad or Paul come over you act like everything is fine."

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