It's All Too Much

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Chapter 9: It's All Too Much

19 May 1967

Well it's been about two months since James and Cadence were born. Let me tell you it's a lot more work than what I expected. I can tell it's hard on Ritchie as well. We're up almost all of the night with them. If one of them gets fussy and starts crying, the other wakes up crying for attention. When Zak was this age we'd switch; one would sleep while the other room care of the baby, but now we both get up so we have a baby each. Well that's most of the time anyway. For the first month and a half Ritchie would always get up with me, lately I'm taking care of them on my own.

Other than everything with our family, the lads just finished up their newest album: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. It's very different than any of their past albums. There's not as many love songs like they do, it's more out there and different. It's strange really. Anyway, Brian's holding a launch party for the album at his house today. I'm going with Ritchie tonight, which is actually our first away from the kids...we desperately need it.

"Mike, are you sure you can handle watching the kids? It's a lot to handle."

My brother nodded as he picked up both of the twins, putting them in their high chairs. "Of course I can, I am responsible, Pam."

Letting out a sigh I looked down. "I know you are, I just worry. These are my babies! But I do trust you little brother."

"See? Now that's that. You and Ringo go out and have a good time. You've been cooped up in this house for too long."

Ritchie then came came down, coming up behind me. "Your brother's right. Love you know as well as I do those two are a handful and we need a break. I know I'm going crazy."

I let out a small sigh. "I guess you're right. Let me just tell them goodbye and goodnight."

From there I walked over to the twins. "Bye my little ones. Mummy and Daddy will be back later. Be good for Uncle Mike. I love you." I smiled kissing them both on the head, they giggled as I moved over to Zak who was playing with his toys. "C'mere my little man."

Zak set down his toy that was in his hand and walked over to me. "Mummy?"

"Daddy and I are going out for the night. Uncle Mikey is staying with you and the twins. You'll be a good boy while we're gone?"

He nodded. "Good boy!" He then hugged me. "Love oo!"

I smiled and kissed his forehead. "I love you too, baby boy. Now be good." I then stood up and went back to Ritchie.

"We have to go or we're going to be late. Thanks again Mike."

My brother smiled as Zak ran over to him. "Course mate, you're welcome. Wave bye bye to Mummy and Daddy, Zak."

Zak waved goodbye to the both of us as we left. After getting into the car we arrived at Brian's a while later.

"And there's the Starkeys! Glad you both could make it."

We both smiled as Ritchie took my hand. "Thank you Eppy. It's good to finally have a kids-free night."

He nodded. "Understandable. Now Ringo, the other lads are in the living room. You four will have pictures taken and be interviewed a bit, so I'd suggest you get in there."

"I will." Ritchie turned to me. "I'll be in there with the lads. Enjoy yourself and socialise."

"Alright love. Have fun."

With that he was off and I was left to wander Brian's house. I knew I wouldn't know many people here, only the other wives. Making my way around I came to the kitchen where drinks were being served. I've hardly drank at all since I became a Mum.

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