The Word

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Chapter 4: The Word

3 Sept 1966

It's official; my little Zak is finally a year old! I can't get over how big he is now. He's crawling and talking a little bit. Oh, it feels like just yesterday he was born.

Today we're having everyone over to celebrate since we couldn't on his actual birthday. But before everyone comes over Ritchie and I have an appointment for the baby. At the moment I'm about 3 months along. Though the appointment isn't for finding out the gender as it's just a check-up, Ritchie still feels like we're having a girl again. And again I feel that we're having a boy. I'm a little bigger than I was with Zak and boys are usually bigger, so it would make sense. While we go to the appointment Paul volunteered to come and watch Zak.

Ritchie was sitting in the living room with Zak as I got ready for us to go.

"Pam, love, your brother's here!"

I looked at myself in the mirror, running my hands over my bump. "I'll be down in a minute!"

Smiling at myself I grabbed my purse and went downstairs. Walking into the living room I saw the three of them there.

"There she is! 'ow are ya little sis?"

"I'm doing well. Thank you again for watching Zak for us while we go out."

He smiled as he picked up Zak. "Of course! The two of us will have a good time here."

"Thank you again, we'll see you in a bit."

I went over and kisses Zak's forehead. "Bye bye Zaky. Daddy and I will be back soon. Be good for Uncle Paulie."

He smiled and giggled. "Mama!"

"Bye baby, we love you!"

Ritchie smiled as he took my hand and we left. The two of us drove until we arrived at the doctor's office. Going inside, the nurse took us back into a room. I laid back on the examining table as we waited for Doctor Carter.

He took my hand as he kissed it lightly. "I hope our little girl's doing okay in there. She hasn't been giving you trouble, has she?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm alright. I feel like we're having another boy though because of my size so far."

"Oh no, this is our little girl. I know it."

I smiled widely at him as Doctor Carter came in. "Well hello again, how are you two today?"

"We're great, ready to check on our little one."

He nodded as we began the ultrasound. Ritchie looked up at the ultrasound machine before looking at me. A few seconds later the doctor spoke up.

"Well, the babies are very healthy and doing well. Keep up everything that you're doing and I'll see you in a month."

Ritchie gave me a wide smile. "I'm so glad our little girl's doing we-- did he just say babies?"

"Did you say babies?"

He nodded. "I did. Congrats, you're having twins."

Ritchie went completely quiet as I wrapped my arms around him. "Oh, Ritch, this is great!"

He slowly nodded. "Yeah..great.."

With that Doctor Carter left as Ritchie and I got into the car and drove home. He was quiet the whole time; I could tell he wasn't expecting the news we got.

The two of us arrived home a little bit later. Ritchie began to walk inside until I stopped him.

"Are you okay? I know this news is a lot of us to handle."

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