The End

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Chapter 29: The End

10 April 1970

Ritchie released his solo album Sentimental Journey a few weeks ago. I'm beyond proud of him for it. He always doubted himself as a singer and now that he's done this on his own he's more confident and ready to start another album.

We also celebrated James and Cadence's third birthday about a month ago. Even with everything going on we had my dad, Angie, Ruthie, Harry, Elsie, Kate, baby Mary and Paul over to celebrate. I think having the family together helped both Paul and Ritchie keep their mind off things.

Currently we were watching the kids play while planning out Ritchie's next solo album.

"Are we sticking with twelve tracks for this one?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I think it's a good number. Not too much but not too little."

I gave a small nod and looked at the list of possible songs he was going to use. "I think this looks pretty good so far. We'll figure out more soon."

"I don't want to get started to soon. Maybe once we get back from the Bahamas. I want us to enjoy our family vacation." He said smiling as he took my hand.

There was a knock on the door.

"I'll go get it."

I got up, walked over and opened the door to see George.

"Well hello Geo." I said with a smile. "Come in, please."

"Hi Pam, thank you." He said as he walked in.

"Uncle Georgie!" Zak said running over to him.

"Hey little guy! How are you?"

"I'm good!"

George smiled and went over to the twins.

"And look at you two! You're how old now?"

The two of them held up three fingers and giggled. "We 3!"

"You're all getting so big!" He said with a smile as he walked over and sat down by us. "And how are you both?"

"We're doing well. Are you alright Geo? It looks like something's wrong."

"Did you hear?"

"Hear what mate?"

"Paul. He made a press release about his solo record and that he's leaving the Beatles."

Ritchie turned to me. "Did you know about this?"

"I knew he was doing a solo record, but nothing about leaving the band."

Ritchie just gave a small nod. "Well, it was bound to happen sometime. Well Harrison, now that we're on our own, what do you have planned?"

"Grace and I are going to go on a little vacation, relax after all of this. Then I'm going to continue on my new album. And within the next year we're thinking of starting our family."

"Ooo some little Harrisons running around, I can already imagine it. So cute!" I said with a smile. "You two would be wonderful parents."

"Pam's right, you and Grace would be great parents. It's one of the best things that happens to you." Ritchie said smiling as he looked over at our three.

"Thank you both. We think we want two or three like you." He then stood up. "Well I should head out. Grace and I are supposed to meet up with Christine and her fiancé. Bye mate, bye Pam and goodbye little ones. I'll see you soon."

The kids turned to him and waved. "Bye Uncle Georgie!"

He made his was to the front door as I followed him. I watched him walk out to his car and shut the door. Turning around I saw Ritchie grab a pack of cigarettes and make his way outside. I sighed and walked over to the kids.

"Hey kiddos, why don't we go play outside?"

James stood up and jumped up and down in excitement. "Play outside! Play outside!"

"I wanna play outside!" Cadence said as she got up too.

"Come on, let's get your shoes on and we'll head out."

I smiled and helped them all get their shoes on. Soon the four of us made our way outside as they made their way over to the sandbox. I walked over to the bench and took a seat by Ritchie.

"Baby, talk to me.."

"Well that's it, The Beatles are officially over.."

I held his hand and turned to him.

"Are you okay baby?"

"Yeah, I am. I mean we've been at this for a while now, it had to end sometime.."

I got up and kneeled down in front of him.

"Hey, listen to me. I am so proud of you. From the moment we met I knew you were an amazing musician. You have done so much with the Beatles. You're one of the most well known drummers in the world and you just released your own solo album. You are successful. And no matter if you're in a band or on your own, I want you to know that I'm proud of you and will stick by you no matter what."

He leaned down, held my cheek and kissed me deeply.

"I love you so much.. I'm the luckiest man to have you for the rest of my life." He pulled me up into his lap. "Now that it's just me I want to concentrate on our family more. I want to do more with the kids, do more with you. I want us to write together, play music together, go explore the world. No one and nothing matters more than you, Zak, James and Cadence. Even though it's the end of the Beatles, it's just the beginning of our new adventure."

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