The Long and Winding Road

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Chapter 14: The Long and Winding Road

26 Aug 1967

The morning after slowly rolled around. I awoke about 06.00am to see Ritchie still sleeping. Not wanting to deal with my grumpy, hungover husband I quietly got up, took my things and went to my brother's room. Once arriving in his room I went right back to the couch and slept.

"Ye think we should wake her?"

"No, she looks like she had a rough night..Ringo.."

"Alright, I said I was sorry, now come off it. Just let me take her back to our room."

I could hear their voices, but I didn't feel like getting up. Soon I felt someone pick me up in their arms and carry me away.


"Shh just relax Pam, we're almost to our room."

Soon the two of us were back in our room. He took me back to the bedroom and laid me down as he sat next to me.

"Love, I don't remember all of last night, but I know I'm sorry."

"It's my fault too, I should have never done that with George. I was just confused and alone. I only love you and I'll always love you.."

He then leaned towards me, placing a deep kiss on my lips.

"I'll always love you too. No matter what happened I know I can't loose you."

I sat up across from him and took his hands in mine.

"Ritchie, you'll never loose me. Since the Cavern back in '61 I knew you were someone special to me."

He kissed me again and smiled.

"C'mon, we have to get ready to go the lecture."

I nodded and went to get ready. Soon after we all left and went down to the lecture. The whole thing felt like it went on for hours.. Out of all of us George seemed to be the most into it.

Once the lecture was finished we all went back to George and Grace's room to sit around and talk.

"That was different, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, I enjoyed it. How bout you all?"

Everyone shook their head but me. I went, I just wasn't that pleased.

John rolled his eyes at me.

"Course you didn't.."

Letting out an annoyed sigh I just looked away. George then looked over at me.

"What about it didn't you enjoy? What the Maharishi said was so inspirational."

"I completely understand what transcendental meditation is by what he explained, but 15-20 minutes in both the morning and evening? I hardly have time to think let alone meditate with having to take care of the kids."

"But it helps you feel so relax and refreshed for the day. It also helps with anxiety and stress. It would do you a lot of good."

"As I said I have no time between taking care of a 23 month old and two-5 month olds."

Geo just let out a sigh and took a drag from his cigarette. The whole room was silent for a bit until Grace spoke up.

"I have something to say, though I don't think it's all of your business I feel the need to say it. George, I know you had sex with Pam while I was away."

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