The Long and Winding Road

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Chapter 20: The Long and Winding Road

23 Aug 1968

A lot has happened since my little brother got married back in June. John opened his own art exhibition in London at the beginning of July, the lads' animated movie Yellow Submarine premiered at the London Pavilion, Paul and Kate have gotten more serious with their relationship and there's been tension with the lads.. Lately it seems like Ritchie has told me how the constantly fight in the studio. I had a small feeling this time would come..

Ritchie had left early for the studio, meeting his Mum and Harry to give them the kids for the weekend, which left me alone for the day.

After cleaning up the house and catching up on all the laundry I had decided to lay on the couch and relax for the first time in a long time. I was almost asleep until I heard the side door slam..


I quickly sat up and looked over at Ritchie.

"Well, you're home early.."

"I am, I quit."

My eyes widened as I listened to him. Quit? He really quit?

"Love, you did what?"

"I said I quit! I'm fucking done with the lads! If they can't respect me and appreciate me then they don't need a drummer!"

I pulled him over to the couch and sat him down next to me.

"Ritch, just calm down and explain to me what happened."

"For weeks now I've felt like they don't appreciate me.. I feel like it's the three of them against me. If they don't need me then I'm done.."

"Love, are you sure they feel this way..? You all have been so close for so long now.. Remember they chose you over Pete.."

He let out a sigh and laid back on the couch.

"I feel like they made a mistake there..they don't care about me.."

I kissed him as I stood up.

"They did not make a mistake.. The Beatles wouldn't be where they are if it wasn't for you. Now I'm going to get you a beer and I just want you to relax."

He gave a nod as I went to the kitchen, I was getting a beer for him when he looked over at me.

"Mostly all of it was your brother. He thinks he knows what's best for the drums and that he's better than me. I swear all McCartneys are such perfectionists and egoistical!"

I snapped my head back to look at him.

"Excuse me? If you forgot I was a McCartney and also you're talking about my brother here, so I'd watch your mouth, Richard!"

"Oh well it's true! You both are perfectionists and you can get so full of yourselves! 'Oh look, I'm a McCartney! I can play almost every damn instrument that exists! I know so much more than Ringo.'"

"We are not at all like that! Yes, we are musically talented, but we don't think we're better than anyone else!"

"Well your brother does since he keeps judging my drumming and when I'm not around I know he dubs in the drum tracks himself! You probably knew about it the whole time, didn't you?!"

I slammed my hands down the counter.

"No I did not! And if you're irritated with McCartneys then I'm done here!"

With that I stormed upstairs to our room, went out to the balcony and let out a sigh. Soon I heard footsteps come up behind me.


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