All My Loving

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Chapter 8: All My Loving

12 March 1967

Well, it's official; the twins are due on Saturday the 18th. They're finally almost here. Let me tell you I've officially hit my limit with this pregnancy, I can't express how done I am with it. I'm huge, the twins are really pushing onto me, I'm having trouble breathing more, and trying to do anything is so much harder with my stomach being in the way. Along with that I'll admit that I'm nervous for them to come, things are really changing with everyone and having the twins now just make me nervous. But I just have to stay positive.

Today was another day of staying off my feet and relaxing; that's all I've been doing for the past week. Both Michael and Paul are coming over for a visit, it's been a long time since the three of us were able to spend time together. On top of that Elsie's been ill, so Ritchie's been nervous about that. I feel so bad, we really wanted her and Harry to come up for a bit once the kids came. We're just praying she gets better soon.

Ritchie walked over and sat next to me. "How you holding up, love? No pain or anything?"

"I'm fine, Ritchie, really. Just some discomfort, but it's normal."

"Do you want me to take you to the doctor? I don't want anything to be wrong."

I shook my head. "Baby, I'm alright, nothing to worry about. I'm worried about you; you've been so nervous about your mum."

He let out a sigh and put his face in his hands. "I just worry because she's been sick for a few weeks now. Pam, I can't loose her."

I rubbed his back. "You're not going to loose her, I know she'll be alright."

"I hope so..I really do."

I smiled weakly as there was a knock at the door. "C'mon in! Paul you have a key."

The door then opened and both my brother walked in. "'Ello! 'Ello!"

Ritchie sat up and looked over at them. "Hey mate, hi Mike."

"Hello Rings. Hello Pammy."

Mike smiled. "Haven't seen you two in a while, it's good to be here."

I smiled as Zak came running over. "Zaky, look who's here. Uncle Paulie and Uncle Mike!"

He went running over to them and grabbed both their legs. "Uppy!"

Paul smiled as he picked up Zak. "'Ow's me favorite nephew? You been good for mummy and daddy."

"Me good."

"Good boy. Here, now let's give you to Uncle Mike."

Paul passed Zak over to Mike. "Hello there, my you've gotten so big since I saw you last."

Zak smiled and giggled. "Big!"

Mike nodded as the three of them came over and sat by Ritchie and I.

"Well, Pammy, you ready for your little ones to be here? Saturday, right?"

I nodded, running my hands over my stomach. "I'm ready for the most part and yeah, Saturday."

Paul smiled lightly as Mike looked over at me. "Y'know sis, you're pretty big. But not as big as mum was in pictures I see from when she was pregnant with you two."

"I know, Dad says I'm a bit bigger than she was. According to me last appointment they're both about 6 pounds which I'm happy bout. At least they're not like how we were Paul, you were 7 and I was 4; you probably had most of the room to yourself and had me crammed in a little corner."

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