Polythene Pam

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Chapter 17: Polythene Pam

19 Feb 1968

Change is good, right? Seeing the world from a new perspective. Trying some new things out. Well, that's exactly what's going to be happening for the next three months.. Today Ritchie, myself, Paul and Kate are leaving for Rishikesh, India. Oh, I forgot to mention, Kate is Paul's new girlfriend. Kate is one of my nurses at Doctor Kingston's office. Paul went in with me for one of my weekly check-ups and that's how they met.

John, Bri, George and Grace left a few days ago, but all of us are going to study Transcendental Meditation under the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Let's just say I'm still not very fond of the whole idea.. I didn't like it much when we went to the lecture months ago and I don't really like it now. Especially since I have to leave my little ones for so long..

After the long ride over we arrived in Rishikesh at the place we're staying at. Apparently it's called Chaurasi Kutia ashram or the International Academy of Meditation. The whole thing is in foothills of the Himalayas, surrounded by mountainous jungle.
This is much different than what we're used to. London's so bustling and busy, but India is so calm. Getting off of the plane we were greeted by some of Maharishi's men. They took us over to a little hut from where Maharishi came out to greet us.

"Other Beatles and women, welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay for the next few weeks as you journey into yourselves more. I shall now direct you to where you will be staying at."

With that we all followed him. He took us to where we'd be staying. They're little stone bungalows, each containing five self-contained rooms. It's different..

"Now these are the bungalows where you all will stay. The others are right by. Now settle yourselves, dinner will start soon followed by the evening mediation."

And with that he was gone. The four of us began to situate ourselves in the bungalows. Sitting down on the bed I looked over at Ritchie.

"I don't know how I feel about this..maybe we should have just stayed home.."

"We only just got here, we need to give it a chance, love."

I gave a light nod and let out a sigh. One of Maharishi's men brought us new clothes to change into.

We all sat around to eat.  Surprisingly a lot of people are here. Mike Love from the Beach Boys, Mia and Prudence Farrow, and Donovan, just to name a few. We were served soup, followed by a vegetarian main course. It was rather different. After eating for a while the Maharishi came into the room to all of us.

"After you are all finished we will all start our evening mediation session, then you will have time for yourselves. Everyone should know where to meet, those who just arrived the others will show you where to go."

Ritchie looked at me as he held his stomach.

"This food isn't agreeing with me.. I feel the same way I did when I was a child in the hospital.."

"Maybe you should go lay down, love.. I'll go with you.."

The others all looked at us as the Maharishi came up behind us.

"Do you need medical care? We have excellent care here for you."

I looked at him as the two of us stood up.

"Thank you, but we'll be fine, really. I'll just take him back to our bungalow to relax."

With that the two of us went back to the bungalow. Ritchie laid on the bed as I sat on the edge.

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