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Two Keiftu men placed Icarus on the floor of one of the Palace's entry rooms. Barely conscious, his breathing was shallow. He had severe burns in nearly half his body. He could hear the muted ruckus around him, people screaming conflicting orders.

"Take him to his chamber!" One person yelled.

"No. Don't move him. Get a priestess!"

"Water and rags!" A third one demanded.

"Honey! We must get honey for the burns!"

"Why should we care for him?" A woman decried.

"He is not a Keiftu. We must help him," another one noted.

Upon hearing the commotion, Pasiphae, followed by Chalya, rushed towards the crowd. She elbowed her way towards the center of the group, and raised her eyebrows when she saw him, "Icarus!"

She knelt by him and quickly examined his body. "Take him to my chamber," Pasiphae ordered, yet no Keiftu moved. She raised her head and scowled at them all. "Now!" She stepped aside as two Keiftu grabbed Icarus, one by the shoulders and the other by the legs. She watched them leave.

"Who was witness to what happened?" Chalya's question was met with silence.

"Answer her!" Pasiphae snapped.

"We were," two young Keiftu men replied while stepping forward.

"Come with us," the Amah directed.

The young men looked at an older woman who stood by their side. They saw her nod.

They all went to Pasiphae's chamber. The Colchian guard was quick to make way for them. Icarus was placed on the bed inside the room. The men who carried him were dismissed. The two witnesses were told to sit and wait on a bench by the far wall of the room.

Chalya placed her ear close to the nose and open mouth of Icarus. She listened to his breathing. "He's got smoke in his lungs."

"Guards!" Pasiphae yelled.

Two Colchian soldiers hurried inside the room.

"We need boiling water. He is on the threshold so be quick about it," Chalya ordered and saw the soldiers quickly leave. "Pasiphae, you know what to get."

The Colchian Princess quickly left for their kitchen.

"Where is Daedalus or Iapyx?" Again, Chalya's question remained unanswered by the young men. She sighed. "I know you all don't like the idea of having a Colchian as your queen. Talk to your King or get over it. We'd be happy to sail back to Colchis. Now, this young man is Athenian," she pointed at Icarus. "Not a Keiftu or a Colchian. Do I need to pull the words out of your throats? Don't test me!"

"The other Athenians are at one of the construction sites." One of them answered.

"Icarus is always by himself," the second replied.

The Amah began to gently take off the burned clothing off Icarus wounds. She inspected his skin. There were blisters on his face chest and legs, while his arms had charred spots.

"Will he die?"

"Not if we can help it," Chalya replied.

Two soldiers entered the room with a bronze cauldron full of boiling water. They were soon followed by Pasiphae who brough it a basket full of different things along with a blanket.

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