The Labyrinth

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          Pasiphae walked through the empty streets of Knossos towards the harbor. Her oiled skin shined under the afternoon sun. She was petting a Saluki puppy she held on her arms. It was silver grey and barely over a moon cycle old. She was accompanied by her Amah and Icarus.

"That was a short wedding," Icarus said.

"Unceremonious," Chalya mumbled.

"A bureaucratic exercise," Pasiphae concluded. "At least now our soldiers will be able to return home."

"I pray we won't miss them," her Amah said. "Are you at least looking forward to your wedding night?"

"Hmm. I will do what is expected of me. Like I always do." Pasiphae let the puppy nibble her fingers as she smiled at it. "I am glad to see you feel better, Icarus. Your recovery was challenging."

"Thanks to you both. Whatever you gave me, it was like magic. Specially numbing the pain."

"There is nothing to thank us for," Chalya said. "We did for you what we would have done for anyone else."

"It was nice of you to want to accompany us to say goodbye to our fleet," Said Pasiphae.

"I had enough of the Palace. I really needed to get out."

"I imagine it feels good for you to be finally out and walk around," Pasiphae smiled.

"My skin still hurts."

That is going to take much longer to get better," Chalya said.

Icarus eyes scanned the streets and he frowned. "Where is everybody?"

"I don't know," Pasiphae answered. "It is off that there is nobody in the streets. Hopefully they are tending to their wounded."

Chalya scoffed. "They better. You couldn't care for them all. It's better if you don't think about it. You've got more pressing matters to tend to."

They reached the harbor, were the three Colchian ships and their crews waited for them.

"I'll leave you two to bid your farewells," Icarus said. "I'm tired. A little out of breath."

"Best if you get back and rest," Chalya suggested.

"I will see you back at the Palace." He replied.

"Thanks Icarus." Pasiphae hugged the young Athenian. "Don't get lost."

He chuckled.

As Icarus left, the three Colchian Captains followed by their respective crews disembarked and approached the Queen and her Amah. They congratulated Pasiphae on her wedding.

"Are you certain you don't want anyone to remain here with you? A handful of us have volunteered to stay should you wish it," one of the Captains said.

"No, I couldn't. Your task was to remain here with me until my wedding. Witness it and report it to my brother. Most of you have families back in Colchis. All of you have loved ones waiting for your return."

"Our first duty is to you," the second Captain insisted.

"I am the queen of the Keiftu now. There is no need for a Colchian guard."

"You will always be Colchian," the third Captain said. "Our Colchian Princess."

The crews cheered and chanted Pasiphae's name.

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