Five Days

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Hephaestus was kneeling at a water stream near the house by the olive grove, while filling a couple of pithoi. He heard heavy footsteps behind him. He didn't have to look to know who it was. "Back so soon? It couldn't have been that big if you've finished already."

"Pi tna waduna. Pi tna itaja. Dawa re dupurazo."

The Fallen One stood and turned around holding a pithos in each hand. "You may be fast but not to make something as big as you claim in just ten days."

"Kupanuweto pu ijate?"

"I don't have time to see it out now. Ari is about ready to give birth, so I am making the necessary preparations. I'm glad you returned now. Here. Take this water back to the house. I need to gather a few more things."

The Sintian took the pithoi and headed back to the house.

"You've been busy," a voice said from behind Hephaestus.

He turned around to see vines morph into Dionysus. He lifted the corner of his mouth. "They sent you. It makes sense. Gives you a chance to win your seat. Although it would have been easier if Zeus just gave you mine. I have no more use for it anymore."

Dionysus cringed when he saw his scared face and bronze leg. "You've had a hard time down here, but I see you've finally become one with your work."

"In a few ways it's been hard, but in others it's been easier than you think. As far as the leg is concerned, it's an irritating inconvenience but it does help in battle." He sighed. "Don't waste your breath and go back. I am staying."

Dionysus gave him a sly leer while closing in on him. "Are we playing dumb right now, my dear brother?"


Dionysus rolled his eyes. "Of course. You all constantly remind me. I am half this, or half that," he swayed his hands from side to side. "You must return home so you can restore order. Hera's bottom is very irritated as her throne won't let her go."

Hephaestus grinned.

"Half our kin have not stepped inside Olympus since your cleverness was revealed. Hermes can't stop complaining about how long it takes him to do things. Don't get me started with Zeus. Whatever little patience he had its long gone."

"Not my problem." The Fallen One went to an olive tree where Apator was leaning. He grabbed it and kept walking away from Dionysus.

"You can't possibly think you can just let things stand as they are. Olympus grows weaker by the day-"

"Not my problem I said!' Hephaestus stopped but did not look back. "I'm no longer a God. Let someone else do Zeus bidding. I am done with that."

"Oh, my dearest brother-"


"Yes, of course. Let's just agree that I am half everything," he snapped. "You're no God? Just because you can die now does not stop you from being one of us. You do godly things every day!" He circled The Fallen One as he moved his hands while talking. "You mastered the use of Sinteis. You used it to fertilize this grove, and you created a Sintian. Let's hope Zeus doesn't find out about that one!" He stood in front of his brother and swayed his head from side to side. "He would bring a third flood to this earth if he were to find out! You wield a self-aware weapon. Your knowledge, the things you can do compared to these other mortals is what makes you a God."

Hephaestus grinded his teeth while narrowing his eyes. He knew Dionysus was right but somehow, he despised the idea. You can't escape who you are.

"You are no God you say?" Dionysus continued. "Who are you lying to? Perhaps the woman who's about to give birth to your child? Have you deceived your way into a romance? Just like our father and any other Olympian?" He paused. "That child. It's yours isn't it?" He raised an eyebrow. "Let's hope it's a girl."

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