Lemnian Fire

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Without bones, Hephaestus' right leg deformed into a shapeless, flaccid limb which shrunk a little more with each passing day. This was no impediment to the Smithing God. He was determined to make a new leg.

Ari gathered the materials for casting bronze, grinded and blended them with Sinteis.

The Sintians built a furnace and with it, forged two large crucibles with long holders. A clay replica of his lost leg was sculptured. It was detailed with pores, hair, and skin imperfections. They built two sand boxes where they pressed the sculpted leg, making a detailed impression of both sides. The two sand boxes were joined, and beeswax was poured in the resulting mold. Once cooled, the wax was melted out and the mold was reheated to harden it. Their preparations were complete.

Carrying, dragging, and pushing their master and load, Ari and her brothers made their way inside Mosychlos.

Arindraai, carrying the mold, followed through the cave while her mind drifted, captive of what was happening around her. The fall, the crystals, my brothers, what does it all mean? Her clothes were drenched in cold sweat as she passed the undergrown water stream. Her anticipation increased with the blue glow ahead, her heart pounding like a hammer, trying to break out through her ribs. Can this be real?

Inside the chamber, she covered her mouth and nose with her hand, her eyes opened wide at the sight of the firefall. That stench! She vomited until there was nothing else inside her. She squinted at the blinding light, panting. The scorching heat was overwhelming. She looked at the three talking amongst themselves but couldn't hear them because of the rumbling noise of the falling column of fire which echoed within the cave. She placed her hands on her ears. I can't take it! She felt a hand on her shoulder.

It was one of her brothers who took her behind a large boulder a few steps from the firefall. It shielded her a bit from the heat. He gave her two small pieces of cloth to plug her ears and returned to the others.

She saw the Sintians placed Hephaestus' lame limb inside the mold. They put the casting materials inside the crucibles. Grabbing them with the holders they went to opposite sides of the firefall and tilted sideways, inserted them under the blue firefall. The crucibles glowed orange red. The brothers cringed and grunted as their hands blistered. How can they endure? Ari thought. She saw the Fallen One encouraging them. She read his lips. So re waduna!

The brothers removed the crucibles from the fire and walked towards him.

She cringed as they poured the melted bronze into the orifices the mold had. The pain!

The Fallen One screamed in agony. His clothes caught on fire, yet the brothers still poured the metal. He jerked from side to side, punched the ground.

She heard his muffled cries, despite the firefall. Her face turned red from the heat. Her glistening eyes were locked on Hephaestus. Impossible!

Hephaestus succumbed to his agony. His motionless, scorched body lay beyond any aid.

"Go get him!" she ordered while making the motion of grabbing him with her hands.

The brothers signaled her that the mold was to hot for them to move Hephaestus.

Once the mold cooled enough, the brothers dragged the Fallen One out of Mosychlos, to their camp. After two sunrises, she saw no sign of him regaining consciousness. Repeatedly, she placed her hand on his burned chest. There is a heartbeat. Faint, but it's there. She refused to leave his side. Her brothers brought her food and water. She placed her hand on the mold which was finally cold. "Take it off," she ordered.

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