The Sintians

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"Mama, when are you going to ask him?"

"I told you before, there are questions better left unasked."

"I can't believe you. We've cared for him for days and we don't even know his name, much less what happened that day. Besides, we can't keep him in the house for much longer."

Asterion kept her attention to the meal she was preparing. Talking, yet not looking at her daughter.


"Yes, you are right." She wiped off the sweat off her forehead. "The men will begin to return soon, and he can't go anywhere with that leg of his." She dismembered a couple of roasted hares and offered the first piece of meat to her daughter who was quick to accept.

"What are you going to do?" Arindraai asked while savoring the hare.

"I guess there is no way around it. We need to know what we are dealing with before we can figure out what to do. Meanwhile, we need more wood. I will go get some," she said while grabbing an ax that hung from a wall. "I should be back before night fall." She placed pieces of meat with blanched artichokes and asparagus on a plate and handed it to Arindraai. "Feed him."

"You are leaving, just like that?"


Hephaestus struggled to sit up as he saw her walking into the room. He grabbed his flaccid leg with both hands and moved it while grunting.

"Does it hurt still?"

"It will always hurt. Thank you," he accepted the plate from her.

"All your other wounds seem to be healing fast although you will have plenty of scars to remind you of what you endured."

"Most scars can't be seen." He began eating.

"Who are you?"


Arindraai crossed her arms and lifted a corner of her mouth. "I see you have a sense of humor despite your pain. I don't have time for this. My father and brothers will soon be back, and we must know at least who you are."

"Hephaestus," he repeated.

"Where are you from?"


"Of course," she pressed her lips and rolled her eyes. "Next thing you will tell me is that the ball of fire that fell from the sky was you."

"Yes. May I have some water?"


"I am thirsty."

"No! Why did you fall?" She grabbed a small pithos that was on top of a table and poured water into a wooden cup.

Hephaestus briefly explained the events that preceded his fall as he grabbed the cup and drank from it.

"You can't be a 'God.' Gods are not supposed to do stupid things."

He frowned at her while pressing his lips.

"You defied Zeus!"

"He wanted me to marry Aphrodite. I would have none of it." He returned the empty plate to her. "It was delicious. Thank you."

"You didn't eat the meat." Arindraai noticed. "It wasn't to your liking?"

"No, I just don't eat meat."

Arindraai raised an eyebrow. "I can see how marrying your sister would be awkward. But, aren't you all sisters, brothers, fathers, and mothers of each other? Why would you object if it is all in your family? Besides, being faithful is not exactly an Olympian virtue. Can't you return and talk it over with your Father?" She placed the plate on the table and poured him more water.

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