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Ever feel like the world and everyone in it is conspiring against you? Well, that is how I feel. Every time I take two steps forward, I end up three behind. It can get quite frustrating when things are just not going the way you want them to; universal feelings. I'm at the lounge in the student center with my friend trying to figure out a few events for a club. We need to arrange a speaker panel for one of the meetings this semester, but due to our lack of funds, we need people to practically do it for free. I also have a shift at the library later tonight. While everyone gets to go home for Thanksgiving, I get to stay on campus. Woohoo! My family is actually going to India with my brother and I can't possibly take more than two school days off so here we are. But on the bright side, we're doing a Friendsgiving tomorrow. I'm excited about that. We're all going to make something and do a potluck style dinner. 

My shift went by quickly for once, and I got to come home early. Alia was already home baking for tomorrow. She was making walnut brownies along with apple pie. I'm going to make lasagna and mashed potatoes. Jacob is bringing some sort of meat dish, and Nicole is making a casserole and sauteed veggies. Oh, and she's also bringing her arm candy. Karan is probably coming empty-handed. I pre-cut all the veggies needed for tomorrow and sealed them in a plastic container to save me some time tomorrow. Alia looks up at me from her brownie batter and then looks down. She does this about three times like she wants to say something to me. "Ask me already!"I yell impatiently.

"I wanted to ask if... I mean only if it's okay with you that.. Um.." her voice trails off. I continue to look at her. "I mean since Mark is coming too," she starts speaking again. "You wanted to invite your guy too?" I ask raising my eyebrow. She nods and keeps stirring the wooden spoon in the batter. "I'm cool with it." She gives me a wide smile and runs to her phone on the other side of the counter. I might as well tell Jacob to bring Max too. I'll just be here with my mashed potatoes.

The next morning I slept in longer than usual because I was exhausted. I decided to prepare the feast before I got ready so I wouldn't be sweaty and gross. I layer the lasagna and dress it with tons of cheese. Mozzarella and pepper jack to be exact. I also decided to decorate the living room a little bit by placing fairy lights above the couch, against the tapestry. The wooden table was placed in the middle of the room. I bought these plastic plates that look like real ones with a pretty design (just so we didn't have to deal with too many dishes after). I placed the stack of plates, forks, spoons, knives, and cups on the kitchen counter right next to the area where we would set all the food. 

After I made the apartment more presentable, I go to my room to change and freshen up. I'm wearing a cream knit sweater dress with a maroon scarf, paired with brown boots and stockings. The lipstick I put on matches the color of the scarf and I tie my hair into a side braid. As I'm getting myself together, I hear the rest of the group start setting up. Jacob and Max were the first ones to arrive. They both set their food on the counter right where I intended them to. 

"I got the speaker and playlist ready to go, Kristina," Max informs me as I greet him. I give him a thumbs up and tell him to set up in the living room. Karan, Mark, and Nicole all walk-in at the same time. "This looks great Alia and Kristina," Mark comments as his eyes wander around the apartment. He sets the case of mixed drinks he brought on the table. Alia escorts them to the living room until it's time to eat. I also prepared some games for us to play before, after, and during our meal. Taboo, Pictionary, and cards against humanity are games everybody loves. 

Everyone begins to dig in. For a few minutes, we were all busy stuffing our faces so nobody spoke. Max was the first one to break the silence. "We're a month away from Christmas," he says. We all look at each other and start laughing at how random that was. But it did start a conversation. Soon enough we were all laughing and sharing stories like old times. I missed this. Although I do see my friends a lot, I feel like we don't get genuine moments like these that often. I take a second to live in the moment. Nicole is sitting with her back against Mark's chest. Whenever Max and Jacob look at each other, you just see love. Alia has love bird syndrome. 

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