Drew's girlfriend

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Let me set the mood for you. I'm in Drew's dorm room. On his bed. I'm hovering over him as we continue our five-minute makeout sesh from the chair. It's been so hard for me to stay away from him this past week. All I ever wanna do is kiss my boyfriend. Boyfriend. My boyfriend. Drew. My boyfriend, Drew. As lowers his hands down my back, the vibration from my phone startles me. "Oh oops, I'm sorry if that was inappropriate," Drew says as I get off of him and sit on the other side of the bed. "No, it wasn't you. It was my phone," I tell him. I had to go into the studio to meet with Tyler. "Ugh, I'm gonna be late," I blurt as I put on my shoes and jacket. Drew gets up and grabs his hoodie from his closet. "I'll walk you."

As we get to the studio door, he makes a pouty face. "I don't want you to leave me," he says holding onto my hand. "If I had a choice, I'd be with you all day," I give him a tight hug. Before I go inside, I give him a quick peck. I swipe my ID, and go inside the editing room. Tyler was sitting in front of the iMacs. I pull up a chair next to him. "So now that you're official, does your boy toy escort you everywhere?" Tyler teases me. I playfully push him. "Ha ha ha, funny. Anyways, what do I need to do this week?" I ask him. But before he can utter another word, Harrison walks into the room.

"If you had gotten here on time, you would've noticed that the schedule was put up in the front," he says scanning the clipboard in his hand. I roll my eyes. I was only five minutes late. I choose not to say anything back to him, and I go and take a picture of the board. Okay, so I have a speaker event on Tuesday night. And that's it. Only one thing? "Tyler, I'm only covering one event in the next two weeks?" I ask Tyler. Tyler turns to me and has a weird expression on his face. "Yeah, so you're not gonna film anymore. You are going to be on the editing side of things now," he informs me. "Wait, why?"

Editing is so much more work than filming, and usually, all of us split the work. I flip through the papers and realize no other student is on schedule to edit. "So it's just going to be me??" I exclaim. "Um. Well..." Tyler drags out the word. "And me," says Harrison, leaning against his office door. I fake a smile at him. "Oh, cool." ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I HAVE TO WORK WITH MR. "I AM TOO GOOD FOR EVERYONE ELSE". I knew he didn't like me to begin with. I tried to be confident but he probably wants someone who's going to follow his orders. I am OUTRAGED.

"Harrison, I thought all of us were going to do the work equally. And I actually like fil-" Harrison puts his hand up and stops me from talking. "Listen, I think I know how to do my job. Besides, Joey is going to be on the same shifts, so it is not just you," he says. "Um, no offense to Joey, but he barely knows how to work any of the equipment," I express my concern. "Exactly. So you can teach him. Anyways, Tyler, make sure you get me the soccer finals tape by tomorrow. The coach has been on my back for days." Harrison walks into his office and shuts the door.

My eyes widen. "He cannot be serious," I say out of frustration."Tyler, If I knew this is who I'd be dealing with, I would've never said yes to this position," I say. He makes a frowny face. "I had no idea Harrison was going to take over. It was so last minute. I'm sorry dude." Realizing there was nothing else we can do, we start working on our individual projects. As I was going through the game footage, I made a note to make a copy of the clips was Drew in. I thought it'd be nice to make a video just for him just highlighting his best moments over this season. And so I plan to edit this on my personal time so Harrison doesn't try to call me out again. I wonder if this guy even has a life. It seems like this studio is his only reason to live.

Once I complete my shift, I made sure to wait to punch out the extra minutes I was late. "Bye Ty!" I wave enthusiastically. He blows me a kiss. Once I get home, I take a shower. I texted to ask Drew if he wanted to get dinner with me. And he offered to bring over some food from the student center. I vigorously brush my hair to get the knots out. I slip into my comfortable sweatpants and a shirt I got from one of the games. As I moisturize my face, I hear the door knock. "It's open," I yell loud. I rub rest of the cream on my hands. I quickly fill in my eyebrows with a pencil, and apply one coat of mascara. I grab my chapstick and apply it as I walk into the kitchen where Drew was standing. He took out three containers of food and was looking for plates. "In the dishwasher," I remind him. He nods his head and takes out two fresh plates. I fill up two large glasses of water. I set the food and other necessities on the living room table.

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